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Everything posted by mn90403

  1. Are headphones like this in our future? The technology relies on a smartphone app that captures a picture of each of your ears, so that it can essentially contour map your outer ear. Once you’ve digitized your ears, you take a photo of your face so the app can map the bone structure of your head for the same reason. Creative Creative's app contour-maps your ears and face to analyze how your ears hear sound. The software maps hundreds of anthropological features with high precision. An AI engine then synthesizes your features with both the dynamics of the headphones you indicate you’re using https://www.techhive.com/article/3246194/ces/creative-super-x-fi-headphone-audio-holography.html Mitchel
  2. I'm glad to report that this storm has changed the beaches in Los Angeles County. It is not great but more fun than before the storm. I don't know what this thin little piece is. Maybe something off a bracelet? The watch is 2 hours off our time so probably from a surfer from Arizona! Mitchel
  3. Steve, The question MUST be ... which detector? Mitchel
  4. Not much what? It sure looks good to me. What detector? Mitchel
  5. Joel, Complexity? We're told in other threads we won't need any training. I play three cushion billiards with only 3 balls (adjustments) and no pockets. It is one of the most difficult games ever devised. I know I need training to get better at billiards. Close does not count!! You know the saying ... close is only good in horseshoes and hand grenades ... is close good in metal detecting also? Mitchel
  6. I detect more on salt water beaches in California than anywhere. This is done with the 3030 and the SE Pro. Next comes nugget shooting with the 7000 and the 5000 before it. At the present time we are sanded in because of lack of storms. I have to go deep in order to find my normal targets. Even those are hard to find right now. I'll have to punch deep and go back to the dry sands with the 800. I hope it can handle the EMI I have in some areas better than the CTX. You guys have given me some good things to think about when looking in other areas. Mitchel
  7. Will there be critics and contrarians of this machine and it's platform? Of course. Has anyone made a perfect detector? It is not likely to happen because there are different strokes (swings) for different folks. Will this be the last detector ever made? Will this be the last detector that needs to be made? Will the patents on this technology close the category on metal detecting and future patent requests will be denied? This is just the latest step. It sounds like a good step but there will be more to come. During each 'step' there is an opportunity to visit old beatup patches, over worked parks and renewed beaches with 'the latest and greatest' while bonding or fighting with your fellow detectorists who have been finding good targets for years. When they watch you and your finds ... they will know what the Equinox and they are missing. Mitchel
  8. Ok this nugget is #5 ... look at the first 4! http://news.goldseek.com/GoldSeek/1514988300.php
  9. I'm wondering from those of you using detectors much longer than I have what would you say was the first 'smart' detector? Part of this question will be a definition of smart. I think of smart as being a detector that can do more than just 'respond' to a signal. It would do some processing. Certainly smart devices now have chips with algorithms. Would you define smart as a detector with a coin meter? Just wondering. Many definitions of smart devices now say it is a connected device. I'm not very 'smart' so that is why I am asking the question. Mitchel
  10. My question is 'What will this detector be best at?' (Maybe I'm repackaging the same question from another thread ... so many I haven't read them all. ) Minelab says: (Coming Soon) With innovative NEW multi-frequency technology, the EQUINOX Series redefines all-purpose detecting for the serious enthusiast. Equally adaptable for all target types and ground conditions, just set your detecting location and go! With the added functionality of Gold Mode, High Frequency 20/40 Hz., Wireless audio accessories and Advanced settings, the EQUINOX 800 offers extra versatility. Mitchel
  11. Ok, its time for me to 'blow' Steve's secret. Every detector that Steve uses is Max Out without a reject (unless he is testing reject settings)! How can he do this? Steve's brain will take all of the data he receives from a detector and process it through his own algorithms. It will be these personal algorithms (experience) that will let some people find more with an Equinox than others. Many have been doing this already with other detectors but now with a 'smart' detector in your hands you will be more productive again. I hope I am. Mitchel
  12. Happy New Year everyone. I hope your finds are many and your trash gives you clues. Mitchel
  13. Ok everyone, lets leap into the present. We are a group of equipment users who have been using 'basic' computing devices for many years. We have been processing the signals that we receive largely with our brains. Until recently the GB2 was still on the need to have list of metal detectors. This is 20-30 year old technology. We've just met the team behind Minelab's new technology. What are they aware of that will help them design a better detector? It is Artificial Intelligence. They referenced this by talking about the development of their own algorithms. These are necessary for a detector to recognize an object quickly. Minelab has one of the most extensive databases of ground signals, object signals and interference ever developed. Chip and circuit speeds are so great now that we will be able to benefit from instant analysis of a received signals from sent signals of multiple or single frequency. Steve has said there is something different about this detector. He has sold his others. Why? Here are a couple of TED Talks that I have watched to keep up with present Artificial Intelligence. The first one is about getting a computer to recognize objects. To me this is very similar to using a detector to recognize valuable things from those that are not worth digging. What is essential and has been lacking for the last few years? Speed. Take a look at this video. I think it is where the Minelab development team is now. https://www.ted.com/talks/joseph_redmon_how_a_computer_learns_to_recognize_objects_instantly If you have watched that video then I think you would like to see what it was like just a few years ago to develop the object database which is now being used by all the apps and programs after it. https://www.ted.com/talks/fei_fei_li_how_we_re_teaching_computers_to_understand_pictures If you want to see more TED Talks on AI go to this list. https://www.ted.com/talks?topics[]=AI Mitchel
  14. JP and Steve are part of the release team. They understand the product development cycle for this release. Prototypes are a source of Fake News (Its not just in politics!) What happens when a movie is 'wrapped' or a season of our Gold Rush is finished? POST PRODUCTION takes months and a large team. Some elements of this are always associated with a successful (without immediate, costly recall) product releases. Minelab COULD make a ton of money with this release but they could also forget something that will change their margins quickly. This is an international release. There are many attempts at corporate espionage and fake products being released soon after official release. Steve and JP know there is a storm coming . It is part of the process. (An official final manual is just one of the parts of the Equinox.) Wait on Minelab and don't buy a fake. Mitchel
  15. Let Brandon be Brandon and Steve be Steve. I can learn from everyone but the shortcuts Steve must know ...
  16. Steve, I think of you in many ways but a teacher and educator are near the top of the list. I was just reading some interesting quotes from those we think of as have Genius abilities. I won't quote all of them here but put a link. The one I will quote applies to you I think: Recipes tell you nothing. Learning techniques is the key. - Tom Colicchio, celebrity chef All of the other quotes can be seen here: http://www.signupgenius.com/groups/must-use-genius-quotes.cfm Mitchel
  17. Steve ... Are you just going to publish a bunch of settings for us so that we don't have to try and self-learn all the details or are you going to offer training in Reno? There are just lots of important adjustments here. I suggest you set up a test garden some place with a certain number of stations. At each of these stations there may or may not be a target. If I was walking through your stations then I would have to write down the detector response at that station. Between stations you could give us written instructions to change a setting (ferrous tone setting for example) and we would LEARN THE TECHNIQUE for modifying the detector for best use. You would be able to have people stop by, pay you a fee and go out on the garden and learn their own detector! Alternately you could do this with a class and have everyone pay you a couple hundred bucks or so ... I'm ready. Are you? Mitchel
  18. This is a big pay day for the Minelab Dealer Network. Many dealers will have their old customers reorder and they will get lots of new inquiries. They will also get lots of new business. This detector 'sounds' like you won't need much training and right out of the box it should be good to go. That was the way the 5000 'sounded' to me when I bought it 7 years ago now. I bought it mail order (saved money on sales tax) and I got a bundle at the same time. I had used a White's Coinmaster before so I thought I could get by without much training. I met up with the dealer after a few months and they told me if I was finding lead then I was doing ok! (I didn't have a clue.) One year later I still did not have my first nugget. Talk about frustrating ... I finally found some good gold and went back to that dealer for some followup training and it cost me $300. I don't buy from that dealer any more. That can be a problem with some mail order dealers. We all don't need it (we think that) but they should give it. Asks how much it costs and try and make a trip for that training with the dealer soon after you get it. Several dealers here on this forum do this. I would pay Steve for lessons on the 800 if he offered them. (When is your first class Steve?) I've bought several detectors since the 5000 including a 3030, 7000, 2300 and a GB Pro. I've also paid for some other training. I think it is healthy for the industry. My 800 has been ordered from Bill Southern at Nugget Shooter. http://nuggetshooter.com/index.html There is a good forum there and I've made friends with many of the members and attended the outings he holds. I think that is good for the industry also. Mitchel
  19. Is there an ability to see it on a graph like the CTX or is it just a number screen only?
  20. Actually, the State of California has been in a 'discourage prospectors' mode for many years. They have restricted mining (dredging) and prospecting (high-banking) in and near waterways for some time. State parks don't allow metal detecting of any kind. Some old time 49er areas are limited to gold panning only and some will not allows pans! The State has encouraged legislation to restrict our federal rights in many of our open areas by making monuments, species (plant and animal) encroachment laws, relic restrictions and other reasons to restrict mineral entry. Arizona and Nevada are much more prospector friendly than here. That being said there are still many places to see and go. One can still stake a claim on federal lands.
  21. I knew you would pick up on 'the picture for excitement and the location and number of licenses' as promotional nonsense.
  22. Here is a new one. It is close to you Norvic ... https://www.themorningbulletin.com.au/news/fossickers-strike-gold-in-central-queensland/3299294/
  23. Speaking of tones ... I can only use my CTX in Smooth or Long. Is this an option on the 800? Mitchel
  24. Well displayed Gerry. Merry Christmas. Mitchel
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