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Gold Hound

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Everything posted by Gold Hound

  1. Hi Paul (Ca) I use a 4800 and a detech 18in sef coil as one of my go to detectors for treasure hunting when I'm in Europe. I use the coin/relic or sharp timing in conjunction with ground balance off and depending on what I'm after I'll use the discriminator up to about half way at the most. The discriminator DOSE NOT work with a mono coil at all. The 18in sef along with the settings above I dug a bronze sword circa 600bc at 1.5m deep. Large DD coils are the coil of choice of any experienced treasure hunter using a PI. As most desirable targets are coin or ring sized or above which the 18 picks up easily at depth. If you want outright depth and don't care about the discriminator get yourself a nugget finder 20in mono. The 20in mono still has the sensitivity to find small coins or earings for example but it punches really deep on bigger target's................. And take a long handled shovel you'll need it!
  2. On a couple of site's I consulted on the larger previous mining company had done some drill sampling, so we used a couple of the sample holes as bore holes as they extended way below the water table and were sleeved. This idea of mine saved big dollars on drilling costs and they only had the pump and plumbing costs. So keep your eyes out for them or look at the records of the prevoius company for their locations. 5m3ph is that a hand feed operation as that is very small?
  3. No worries guys happy to help. I go through 4 pairs of boots a year minimum, thats why I've pretty much tried them all. I am still searching for the perfect boot!
  4. You can pick up a used gp 3500 for about 2k i think you'll find that most ground in africa is mineralized and VLF's do not handle that soil very well.
  5. What is your approximate m3ph. I usually advise to put in a bore if the local water supply is inadequate. A pond like your talking about will ether run out, or silt up very quickly if you recycle the water. You will almost certainly need some device in your process to break up and classify your material before going into your concentrating device or sluice. The detector is my main tool that I use to make my living but I would not advise you to go that rout as you have a lease and gear. If i was in your position I would concentrate on getting the site running and would only purchase an old pi like a gp3500 to go over the tailings oversize.
  6. Mate if you are serious about finding gold with a detector any of the gpx range is defiantly worth their weight in gold! Money well spent!
  7. Gday Kenny The sampling you have done is ok for a start but I would not base my production estimates off it, or make any significant investment on ground that I have not proven worthy of investment. If you have a lease over the area you need to take pit samples in a grid over the whole estimated area of the deposit and work out your m3 and how much gold per m3. Then you need to look at your water situation and the production size ( meter cubed per hour) and the type of material you are processing and the values that you want to trap, then you can design your plant to suit the material, values and production size. None of this is easy, you really need to do a lot of reaserch on every aspect that I have mentioned above as sampling techniques alone is a whole book and is far to comlicated to tell you about in detail on a forum. I doo all of this stuff for a living and have seen many miners that skimped on any of the above go bust very quickly. Research research research! I'm happy to answer specific question's on any of the above but I dont have the time to explain the whole shebang in detail as it would take a whole text book to do it properly.
  8. Hi Kenny You sound like you do not have any mining experience. No miner that knows what he is doing just digs anywhere. You need to learn how to use a gold pan and sluice before anything, if you want to start mining! A detector although it is a valuable tool is no where near as useful as a gold pan in an expierenced prospectors hands to identify mine grade gold deposits. And you need to learn about sampling techniques before you embark on a mining venture. Ive seen 100's of people go bust because they lacked a proper understanding of sampling techniques but little did they know there was gold a plenty.
  9. Look at the Reebok fusion max boot, it has the sole is stitched all the way round. My faverout though are the stealth model Reebok. Read my previous post. I have always wore out the tread on the Reebok's before they disintegrated. But because I average 12.5km per day and the terrain is very rugged no boot has lasted longer than 3 months. The best boots i have ever used are the garmont combat boots but they have metal eyelets. And a close second are the latest nike sfb but they also have metal eyelets. I remove the metal eyelets and replace them with plastic. I will be using the Nike's with the eyelets removed this year after my Reebok's wear out, the tread pattern on the Nike's is the best I have used.
  10. Thanks JP I can see the advantages the gpz has over the older machines in its smarter gb processing and how to apply them thanks mate.
  11. Thanks for the paper Steve I now have a better undersanding of how zvt works. Now all we need is all of the audio settings explained.
  12. Hay Steve you Alaskan's must be like us ozi bushies! We have a saying............. "There is nothing that stiky tape cannot fix mate alright".
  13. Good to see you in this forum Trent, I value your opinion. And can't wait to here how your new Crushing project goes!
  14. No worries Norvic There will be plenty more vids. I doubt you've been were we were no one had detected there before us, gold on top of the ground even in gully's, much of the country up in FNQ looks the same. And the motor bike footage where you can see the screen on the pad was not taken where we were finding gold just in an area we are no longer interested in thats why we didn't bother hazeing the pad on the vid. But it still gives an accurate idea of our riding condition's. It'll be funny if a whole bunch of people try scab on to our area by looking at the pad on the vid, they will have fun with the station owner!
  15. Cutting the excange2 and google out of the loop would get rid of the privacy problems and it sounds like a good idea Steve. I have contracted Indian software coders in the past to modify software to better suit my needs. You would be suprised how quick and cheaply you can get this work done. For example: I had the software writer modify oziexplorer for me so that I can change the transperancy of the layerd maps and view them at once as overlays just by changing the draw order and transperancy.
  16. Allot of areas we go to do not have accurate geo map's Those faults I was talking about on the video are not marked on any of the Geo's for the area, I plotted them on my own custom geo map that I made for the area so that we could project them and narrow our search area down. This makes us very efficent at our job of targeting the gold bearing ground and cleaning up the area. Particularly as the areas that we work most are not in known gold areas so there is alot of barren ground, so when others try the area unless they know what we know they will do alot of time for tha doughnut. Tremain, Dave and Sandra are sworn to secrecy and will not share my maps or how I make them or any of our reaserch aids with anyone.
  17. Hi norvic, guys I have used gis software to make and modify geo maps and make or use specialist images that we use in the field for many years. You are correct I have a rugged tablet with internal gps receiver on my bike and I carry this everywhere with me when prospecting. I will probably never use the zed's gps as I carry the tablet around any way and could not be bothered having to transfer info from it to my tablet. For me my information's safety is a major concern as well and I read the privacy policy of the ml software and google and will not use them for any of my valuable work. I have been offered big dollars for my gps and notbook info off a few mining company's so I am very careful with my info.
  18. I've tried a few different nonmetallic combat boots and I find the standard Reebok combat boot without zipper or toe cap's to be the most comfotable. I got 1400km out of my last pair in very rugged terrain. The problem with the toe caps in any boot is when you walk down very steep hills you will constantly kick your toe into the cap, very annoying. And the zippers will drive you nuts when detecting down hill particularly in steep gully's. Other good nonmetallic comat boots are atama exo, magnum spyder, belveue and bates. But like I said I think the standard Reebok's are the best. I've tried the dauntless and patriot model's as well but they do not grip or wear as good as the standard one's. If you look on our you tube vid we all wear the Reebok's now. My wife and I were wearing the patriot's and Dave and Tremain the standard's.
  19. Exciting Steve I'll definatly be hitting a few areas where we found similar porous type gold! I'll also give a few leader breakdown's a good look with the new beast. The smallest speck can sometimes lead to the biggest find. Since the release of the 5k with its fine gold timing I've been able to use the detector for electronic loaming. I made my 2 biggest finds doing this, both of them multiple kg species at different locations. The 7k excites me as now I can do it much quicker with a 14in coil over a 8in that I had to use on the 5k, and still retain the depth on larger gold whils doing it.
  20. I've been looking at the fors gold myself but after my accident I only just had enough excess cash to buy the zed and still be able to start the prospecting season. Thanks for the links. I would love to do a season up high in a remote area in Alaska, lovely looking country. Nice 6.5ozer too mate, would make a nice neck nugget.................Gangster!
  21. Mate the video speaks for its self. Gpz picked up 3 small targets the 5k could not even touch. Gpz piked up all other targets found by 5k even though they are not familiar with how to get the most out of gpz. Gpz runs well in adverse emi conditions that force you to stop on 5k. Gpz can eliminate hot ground when switched to severe and still pick up a small nugget where 5k fails same test. Gpz didn't detect 2 ground noise targets that 5k did.
  22. Hi Steve, guys Steve I detect in tailings oversize piles from the 1970 to 1990 era a fair bit done well in them. The crazzy miners only had 12mm aperture on their trommel screens and no nugget recovery process on the oversize. I recon they put back 5x the gold they mined in one spot I go to that has predominately larger gold. What is your go to detector for this purpose? I just use the 5000 mostly or a vlf if the trash density gets to high.
  23. HI Steve guys Norvic Tremain and Dave are close friends of mine and prospecting partners. Tremain and Dave are both very experienced prospectors and know the 5000 inside out. But this was the first time ether of them had used the new beast. Listen to what he says in the video he is trying a multitude of settings on the different targets. Were any of them optimum, probably not but they will freely tell you this. It takes a hell of a lot longer than 2 days to learn a new detector and you need to go to a variety of spots with different conditions and target types/sizes, they went to one. You will notice that they never came to a conclusion about the new beast as how could you possibly come to one after 2 days at one spot!
  24. Mn90403 I had never tought about the confidence factor before. Now that I think about it confidence is a very important part of prospecting! As you have to have the confidence to keep going through the lean times.
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