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Yup Steve likely remnants of a grow. I have no issue with people growing their own weed at home and feel it should be legal. I've been around dope growing my entire life. I have found many grows in the past but those were hippy patches and not the Cartels. afew yrs back i found a Spike drop snare along a main trail into a drainage that wouldnt have killed a guy but would have maimed him good - Arr! I usually go armed into areas i have concern with but my excitement to hit a new area got the best of me. I made some calls and a chopper flew but that's it. The cops here NEVER arrest the cartels they just fly around and hope they scare them off - BS. In the past the cops have started gun battles with them and still had no arrests - Hmm. I hope if its legalized then the cartels will dry up but they may just grow more to supply nearby states were its still illegal. We locals have talked of running them out ourselves but i'm sure we'd be arrested and thrown in jail since were working class people that abide by the laws and pay our taxes.

Being armed in the woods isnt like it was anymore either. The hotshot cops, Fish Cops and Twig Pigs (USFS Cops) that move here from the city figure if your armed your a problem and will stop you and accuse you of poaching or illegally brandishing a fire arm. Klamath National Forest has been considering the idea of outlawing caring a gun on the forest unless hunting. Total BS.


Good excuse to by a new handgun i guess. Used 357 for sale anyone?

Thanks for the comments and good luck out there.


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 Your hauls are getting bigger and bigger each time you go out AjR! Very nice job.


Steve, I've not seen cages like that on grow sites here in Az..Perhaps it depends on the growers technique? Usually, due to lack of water here, the site is located near a water source and they use a lot of the black irrigation pipe and run elaborate irrigation systems to bring water to the crop. I feel your frustration AjR. Very unnerving to walk up on one of those sites. The forest service is the authority that handles grow sites now. Good old Ranger Rick is now armed to the teeth, wearing kevlar, and using planes with infrared cameras to locate grow sites (the weed retains more heat than native plants so the FS goes up at night and looks for the heat signature of a field of weed.) so give them a call.


Again, great job on the gold!



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I have a friend who was bow hunting and ran into a couple guys tending who had ARs...they drew down on him and took his identification. They said if he told the law they would come to his house and hurt people. He and his brother contemplated going in with night vision, but ultimately they called the sheriff and led them back in. They apprehended 1 of them as I recall. He was very upset about it but still goes out...but not alone anymore

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Nice work AJ. It just don't seem right having to look over your back in the middle of nowhere. I guess it's time to break out 'Ole Betsey. The 7000 is not gonna like her.






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legalize drugs and eliminate the profit motive....all these antidrug laws do is keep the profits high. That fool Nixon started a stupid War on Drugs that has done nothing except cause death and ruin...stupid, stupid, stupid!



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Siskiyou county says they have no funding or people to bust cartel.  We had a cartel grow last year not far from where we live.  It was reported to the sheriffs office....no bust.   Neighbor said they were back again this year.

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They do bust some operations. Usually wait till later in the year near harvest. So things to look out for. Usually at lower elevations(3500) ft and below. Usually southern exposure. Off of main waterways, (looking for springs, then gravity feed to the plants. The hair on the back of your neck was put there for a reason. USE IT!

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Reading these posts make the hair stand up at back of head, think I`ll stick to my backyard.

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