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To Wait Or Not To Wait, Thats The Question

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On 1/23/2020 at 3:20 PM, fredmason said:


my best friend of 51 years up and died last week.... I expected he would outlive me by 20 years...it was not to be



I'm sorry for the loss of your friend.  Coincidentally I also lost a lifelong friend just over a week ago.

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How long are we suppose to wait?  If it's a long enough wait, I can not wait, but still be waiting.  Know what I mean?



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On 1/31/2020 at 1:14 PM, Steve Herschbach said:

With Rick reporting that FT CEO Tom Walsh took the Impulse on a recent vacation and came back with things he wanted improved, I see only more delays on the horizon. My weather has warmed up and I could use this detector now, but I am instead crossing my fingers I can get one before the end of summer. This is definitely not a machine to wait around for. I honestly would not be shocked if it ended up rolling into next year.

I can see the need to meet regulatory requirements which was mentioned as the reason Rick had to return his machine to FT.  That and the need to work out legitimate bugs/flaws nothing can be done to short circuit those legit requirements.   But this statement regarding more "improvements" and another one by one of the design/test team implying the lead designer is always trying make the design better makes me wonder at what point does design optimization effectively become polishing the cannonball as better or perfection is the enemy of good enough.   Not sure it is clear if the finish line has been defined for this project so, yeah, the wait contnues with no end in site.  Sorry, UtahRich...

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the electronic part / the pcb
had been frozen the first time
in january 2019
but the leap forward,
spectacular obtained in May 2019
on rejection mode = closing of all holes on gold detection
and possible 24k detection (in rejection mode)

led to an upgrade of the PCB (serial version frozen in October 2019)
it would have been stupid (for FTP) not to do so...

the only problem left
and delays launch is purely mechanical
for once, FTP is not really at issue
it is (it was) a part under contract
easy to guess which one (don't ask me ....)

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Thank you ... for explaining LE.JAG ....

I think ... when the manufacturer devotes a little more time to fine-tune the Top pulse detector, or its final production it's just a good thing ...,

Finally, everyone wants to buy for their money ... the better tuned Detector ...

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I guess that for anyone wanting this new machine... there's nothing we can do but wait. What helps me is knowing that every day that goes by, does get me 1 day closer to an announcement from Fisher... Hopefully

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Just in case LE.JAG’s “Franglais” wasn’t crystal clear, when he wrote...

for once, FTP is not really at issue
it is (it was) a part under contract”

He is referring to a purchased-in component of the mechanical package (not the electronics) which failed to meet expectations.

This is separate from the certification issue.



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13 hours ago, UtahRich said:

How long are we suppose to wait?  If it's a long enough wait, I can not wait, but still be waiting.  Know what I mean?


I refuse to spend my time waiting day by day (the watched pot never boils) and so at this point just figure I will have an Impulse in my hands before the end of the year. Fisher has still not even officially announced it so it's not reasonable to think this is going to happen anytime soon. If it does, that's great, but I'm not going to hold my breath. I'd rather expect it to take forever and be pleasantly surprised at some point than watch the clock on the wall, the minutes passing SO SLOWLY.................... :smile:


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