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Blm Road And Trail Kml Files?

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Hello, I am using an iPad as a topo map when I’m out in the field, and also GoogleEarth, and have already downloaded the BLM’s active and inactive gold mine and prospects KML database for Google Earth and was wondering if anyone has found a good source for downloading BLM and/or National Forest KML files? I only seem to have found some local ones for Alaska on the BLM map server website, but nothing for any of the lower Western states. Thanks!

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T/R/S and 1/4 1/4 sections. There is a "generate KML" link towards the bottom. 


Land ownership (BLM, NFS, USBR, Reservations, Private, etc). Generate KML link also at the bottom of the page.


You can also get on the BLM's list to access their claims database directly and create your own claims KMZ files if you want. Though it's a lot more complex to do and there is no simple link to click. I am not aware of any road maps the BLM offers though.

Earthpoint lets you network link topo maps through Google Earth.


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15 minutes ago, jasong said:

T/R/S and 1/4 1/4 sections. There is a "generate KML" link towards the bottom. 


Land ownership (BLM, NFS, USBR, Reservations, Private, etc). Generate KML link also at the bottom of the page.


You can also get on the BLM's list to access their claims database directly and create your own claims KMZ files if you want. Though it's a lot more complex to do and there is no simple link to click. I am not aware of any road maps the BLM offers though.

Earthpoint lets you network link topo maps through Google Earth.


Thank you, really appreciate it!

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It seems they never want to tell you where the roads are. Or They just don’t know all the roads they have LOL.  Best thing that I use is an air photo to show me where the roads are.

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What I really want is the road/trail designation names.  Aerial photo's just show all Trails- legal and illegal.

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I just found a new BLM product called S1 Mobile Mapper for Android which looks interesting, although their map selection is slim right now. In AZ they have almost nothing. I downloaded an Oregon BLM map to see how the app worked, and it does pretty much replicate a paper BLM map, though humorously - without trail names like the paper maps have!

You can also check the BLM's map/data browser here. Though I think it lacks trail names too. And then their downloadable data is here.

If you have a GIS program, you might be able to create the road/trail data from this file I'm unsure if it has road names though as I don't have QGIS on the computer I'm on. *Actually, I take it back, I am looking at the map now with the KML link and it's really incomplete, only some areas have roads/trails mapped. It's weird how incomplete all these BLM files are.

I'd go through it and see what I could find but this stuff is relatively new and I'm only now just finding it, and my girlfriend is arriving in a few hours for a week vacation so I'll be travelling around for a while. Someone might dig through and find something useful though.

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That’s a good suggestion, OnXHunt works very well and shows property ownership and all, but it’s not cheap. BLM mapping data is out there and usable, just have to find out the way to obtain it.

@jasong It’s too bad your links lead to incomplete BLM files, it looked promising at first. Thanks for trying though!

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No it's not cheap if you keep it going month after month. The guy told me I was able to cancel any time and start back up any time. So I used it for a month to get land ownership roads and bearing for hiking in and then took screen shots with my phone. Then when the month is up I just cancel.

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These screen shots are from backcountry navigator showing the land status on both images. Switch over to the forest service topo and you have the road labels. Inexpensive program and maps are all free. Does all the waypoints tracking etc and you can upload your own maps from google earth etc

I am sure the other program are similar, but you dont need a kml of the road labels if you have acess to multiple map layers - or at least I dont



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