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Social Distancing While Slow Hunting For Ridiculously Small Gold

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Like your classroom and the finds that you have dug up in such short of time.

Thanks for taking us along while you kept people away from you.

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Mighty fine prospecting, Flak, congrats!

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Nice to finally see the place and gold you detect Flak. Great haul!

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I first went here in 2005. At the time and for years following this is where Chris Gholson and Montana Bob used to go to test every new detector that Minelab put out. They knew if they could make those detectors work out there they would work just about anywhere. At that time there were always people out there. It has been claimed by all manner of clubs for years and years. They had outings and cook-outs and coin hunts, they dry washed, detected and dug. In the early days the place was overrun with it's first wave of prospectors…the guys who really knew how to spot the indicators and work a hillside  - and as I mentioned above they didn't miss much. But we have these magic machines that can see what they could not and I am blessed with a little time to enjoy what is now mostly a forgotten and evocative place where the souls of those earlier men and women look over my shoulder and marvel at the ease of my endeavors. I have had my ounce days both detecting and dredging. I have had gold fever and recovered. The best time of the day is first thing in the morning when anything is possible. The worst thing that can happen is you have a great day out in the desert. It is an amazing "hobby."

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That`s positive beats that sad sack stuff. Now once we get that weapon that JPs teasing us with, whether new coil or Z2, us old codgers will be kicking ar.. al over.😉

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Ah, Norvic, you are indeed a philosopher. You know I have spent some time thinking about success and how I could increase such. After a deal of inspiration (whiskey) I have come to a significant conclusion. 

It seems upon reflection that I have spent an awful lot of days where no gold has been the end result of digging holes for things other than gold. No future in that.

It's obvious. The days when I found nothing I could have been engaged doing something useful. The days when gold was recovered were well spent. All I have to do is stay home on the wasted days, and get out there and dig like hell on the good days.

All I have to do now is work out which one is which.

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Don`t like your chances Reg, sounds like you and I`ve wasted a lot of our time on the multitude of theories geological, logical, illogical, moon phases,  etc etc and we`re coming to the conclusion, We were always kidding ourselves thinking we had the answers,that old Irish fellow pegged it many moons back Tis where Tis.  Maybe we`re getting wise with age or just more scrambled.

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Thanks for the post.  This might be the only game (little nuggets) close to town for a few weeks.  I'm going to try and make a day trip or two also.

I've already copied down some of the setting from the 'faint gold signal' threads to use.  Even with those settings I may still choose the wrong spots to hunt but I hope I can see some of those ancient (10+ year) dig holes to motivate me.

Saturday and Sunday I was out at the beach and that was barely social distancing.


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