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My name is George im from long island ny.I have been metel detecting since 1992.From finding fake teeth with gold filling to coins rings and trash never a dull moment for me.The machines i own is the xlt spectrum,mx7 and  the one and only equinox 800.I have found great treasures with each one and trash also.The first 2 machines are a single freq.The equinox has 40 freq.The rings i have found with the equinox the id number was always 7 or a 8.The ring i have found which looked like a washer but when i turned it around it had 24 tiny little diamonds half way around the ring.What surprised me was it was labeled PD950!? I took it to a jeweler in my town.The girl told me it was platinum.Her boss explained to me that it was palladium and it was 95% of the metal.He also said that its higher than gold.And the diamonds were real.So looking on a chart how much palladium was $56.00 per gram he gave me $60.As i was leaving he said thank you very much?Did i just get screwed?I checked out the website of palladium rings $700 $900 even $1300.So the chart i saw was for metal.I should of sold it myself.A to a pawn dealer the scales are usually off by 1 gram trust me.Before going to one i went across the street to buy a jewelery scale it was reading a little over 2 grams.So i went over to the pawn dealer he placed it on his scale and it was reading 1 gram.So be assure always weigh the piece that you find is the right measure and if it isnt dont say a word and find someone else that is not trying to rip you off.Happy hunting to all safe out there carry dog spray!

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Well, you learned a lesson.  Gold and precious metal buyers buy based upon weight.  If they like the piece and they can make money they will pay you 'spot' based upon the purity.  They are like going to a bank and getting quick money.  It is not always the best price.  If you do a lot of business with them they should give you a better price over time or find another guy.

If you have a finished piece of jewelry you will just about always get a better price selling it on eBay.  Take good pictures, give an accurate weight and try to show the markings and give some details about your research of the piece.

I have a good gold buyer and seller but they could care less if it is jewelry or nuggets when they pay me.  They have someone sort the stuff and they melt their own and deal in big volume.  They tell you to take the stones out before you sell it.

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2 hours ago, Jakar54321 said:

The equinox has 40 freq.The rings i have found with the equinox the id number was always 7 or a 8.The ring i have found which looked like a washer but when i turned it around it had 24 tiny little diamonds half way around the ring.What surprised me was it was labeled PD950!? I took it to a jeweler in my town.The girl told me it was platinum.Her boss explained to me that it was palladium and it was 95% of the metal.He also said that its higher than gold.And the diamonds were real.So looking on a chart how much palladium was $56.00 per gram he gave me $60.As i was leaving he said thank you very much?Did i just get screwed?I checked out the website of palladium rings $700 $900 even $1300.

Yes, it sounds like you got shafted (sort of - you came away with $60 more than you had before you found that ring), but it was completely under your control if you had done your homework beforehand.  I am really at a loss that you didn't do the website search BEFORE you went to try to sell it since you obviously knew how to do that research.  Lesson learned.  Information is power, go in armed with as much information as you can to protect yourself.  BTW - The Equinox doesn't have 40 frequencies, but I am sure you don't need to get into a technical dissertation about how the Equinox really works at this point, all that is important is that it works for you.  

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A high end jeweler can give you a real price on the value of jewelry, think they charge in the ballpark of $100 to have diamonds GIA certified.. With that I believe you can then sell the ring in that ball park.

Most coin/jewelry/hobby shops and many low end jewelers will give scrap price and often a fraction of that as they like to make a marginal 400%+ markup lol

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Seller be aware!  Get more than one offer.  Value is determined by a willing seller and getting multiple offers over a reasonable amount of time.

If you don't do these things you will almost always end up with a case of 'seller's remorse!'  (I know it was worth more but ...)

Now, go find another ring.

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on this one I don’t think you need to beat yourself up over it, when you factor in the fun you had hunting it, the experience selling and the $60, like Mitchel says “find another” it’s history now and sometimes it boils down to the price of an education. Heck, $60 bucks is $60 bucks you are money ahead, better than I can say on a lot of my deals, only thing is... why no picture ??

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