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Garrett Ace Apex Software Update Facility?

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There is no mention so far of any ability to update the new Apex via the internet. Still, the detector is charged via a mini-USB connector so it is possible the capability exists and Garrett has not mentioned it. It seems to me a brand new tech like this from Garrett almost requires this feature. Otherwise, a fairly high possibility exists of the detector needing to be returned for an update at some point. It is not like AT series introductions have been flawless and without revisions. Just something for those eager to be early buyers to consider.

Garrett Ace Apex Data & Reviews


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So far Garrett seems to have this well thought out, so I am hopeful they thought of SW updating.  Touting that capability can be a double-edged sword.  Some might balk at the perceived complexity of a SW update having lived AT and Ace all their lives, others might have the mistaken impression that the Apex is a beta product, while most experienced detectorists especially those who bought into the MX Sport hype (yeah, I did that) will realize the benefit of having a DIY software update capability for a new detector debuting new manufacturer tech and capabilities.  No one gets it exactly right on the first release.  Equinox was the best launch ready release I've seen so far and Nokta compensates through frequent, relevant updates and bug fixes.  Hopefully, Garrett has been taking notes.

Now that the cat's out of the bag, Garrett needs to get their legion of paid You Tube "influencers" out there running the Apex through its paces so we can see how it is doing in the field.  I will take heavily edited field video over no field video at this point.  Then we can see what the quirks might be

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The thing is, if a manufacturer has a software glitch, or figures out a better way to do something, a lack of a software update facility puts pressure on them to suppress or ignore possible improvements. No released detector is ever 100% done, it just gets to a point where the bean counters see diminishing returns on more work, and the force a release. Work usually continues with an eye on the next release. In the case of Equinox work on the Vanquish lead to the new ferrous update.

A perfect example of what happens when you do not have an update facility is the MX Sport release. White's did not want to acknowledge the software was glitched, and really only did so under pressure. Even then they never notified registered users, and to this day you can bet that first year MX Sport models are out there that have never been updated.

This being Garrett's first shot at multifrequency, they either need to have an update capability, or undertake the most extensive product pre-release testing they have done to get it right. Users finding a major flaw after release that requires all machines to go back for an update would not be pretty. Although First Texas not only has done that, but turned it into a small revenue generator by actually charging for the updates by offering an extended warranty.


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33 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:

A perfect example of what happens when you do not have an update facility is the MX Sport release.

Well, the choice of the word 'perfect' is interesting, but of course I understand perfectly what you mean.  ?  Along the theme of '"let's hope Garrett has learned from past shortcomings", both their own and those of others, that PR debacle should be at that top of their list.


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46 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:

they either need to have an update capability, or undertake the most extensive product pre-release testing they have done to get it right.

I'm guessing it's a little of both.

Perhaps Garrett, if necessary, can recall and update the software on all the Apexes and eat the cost. But they're so confident in their software development that they doubt this will happen. Your beancounter explanation makes a lot of sense, and when tweaking it from a movie quote from Fight Club:

The cost of doing software updates on an ad hoc basis X the probability that a software update will be necessary. If this ends up being less than the increased development costs of building in updateable firmware, Garrett won't provide this feature.

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Well, John Bortscher (John-Edmonton), a longtime Garrett booster, says no update facility, and he would probably know. So basically this is one of those do you want to be first on your block, with a decent probability you may need to mail your unit back at some point, or wait a while and see if any bugs crop up situations.

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If Garrett didn't count on "possible software update" at Apex, he wouldn't put a mini USB connector there ... but a magnetically charging connector ...

It's similar to Vanquish ... where I don't immediately mention this possibility either ... but  ... Minelab mentioned the possibility to upgrade Vanquih via mini Usb ...

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1 minute ago, EL NINO77 said:

If Garrett didn't count on "possible software update" at Apex, he wouldn't put a mini USB connector there ... but a magnetically charging connector

Not necessarily since the unit is not submersible. But I hear what you are saying. It is quite possible the capability is there and Garrett does not want to publicize it.

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3 hours ago, EL NINO77 said:

If Garrett didn't count on "possible software update" at Apex, he wouldn't put a mini USB connector there ... but a magnetically charging connector ...

To add on to what Steve said, it could have been cheaper to use a miniUSB port instead of something else.

But more importantly (in my opinion) is that Garrett didn't want to require a proprietary plug/cord to charge the Apex in the field. Just bring a typical battery bank that many people already have (which will almost assuredly come with a micro or mini USB plug, as well as possibly other plugs, such as USB-C).

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