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Things Metal Detector Manufacturers Could Do Better

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Pisses me off but it appears true Minelab is the most hated, yet their gold detectors come up with the goods and always have. True that when you have trouble with a Toyota vehicle or whatever and send them a email you`ll get a customer relation email reply, wheras Minelab doesn`t, economy of scale I guess. Grudgingly I`d rather see their resources go into R & D rather than "fickle" email replies. But this is my view and I`m proud of them, they helped make my life the magic journey it is.

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I have used Whites, Tesoro, and Minelab.................to me they are tools, just like any other tool that we buy in order to get a task or job done. I do have curiosities why for example Whites and Tesoro have not updated and produced some new detectors...to compete with Garret or Fisher who in my opinion have done a good job in R&D and have brought new products to us the consumers. Minelab I am extremely happy with because I do believe they have of all companies given us a true leap forward and given us the consumer a superior product. My 4500 has produced and continues too, so why would I BASH Minelab? They have given us a TOOL that  produces more gold than their competitors. I have questioned and had my doubts about the GPZ ,but I don't own one, my opinion is based upon what I have read when it was first introduced. It appears that it produces and does a great job, is it worth 10 grand? Well it all depends on the individual. If your a full timer I am sure they would say yes, but if your a part timer perhaps a cheaper vlf is the answer for you. As we all know, regardless of price of your detector..its the effort and the individual that makes it happen, the detector alone won't make it happen. For now, I am sticking with my 4500, but that said...I can very well change my mind and become a ZEDHEAD. I don't think Minelab deserves that rating of #1 for being the most hated, they gave us the ability to be successful, the rest is up to us.

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Let's just be glad I didn't photoshop the first thing I had in mind...the....erm...uh..."prophylactically" inspired names of a couple GPX timings.  :lol: I'm dying to post another one but after further review I'm fairly certain only Wyomingites/Texans would understand it.


I'm sure the design will grow on me, but all I can think of when I look at it is.... :lol:



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I Love the gag, but If you mean detectors well suited to OZ conditions, maybe


Gold Bug Pro and T2 - the best selling gold detectors on earth - they OWN the African market, by far the world's biggest gold detector market.

Whites TDI - a competent machine.

Garrett ATX - an excellent detector hampered only by it's silly packaging.

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Right, I'm not being literal in any sense. Just pointing out some issues of greater or lesser importance in mood that is a bit more uplifting since it's been pretty somber around here lately.

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I believe US company's care more about the business "bottom line" over bragging rights  to best nugget detector currently in the field.  First Texas and White's are making plenty of money selling their existing (dated?) gold machines to the african miners. An old tech detector here is all new there where what counts most is low cost, availability, ease of use and proven to find the gold. Since africa hasn't seen the pressure like north america or australia, these machines are producing just fine. Research and development is very expensive with uncertain outcomes so If you can still sell whats already on the shelf you do it.......Just business

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