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Fisher Impulse AQ Ltd, Who Is Getting One?

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Fisher Impulse AQ Data & Reviews

Not everyone needs to wait for reports from others to decide they want a new detector. Me, I take a look at the specs, and if it appears to have what I want I get it and give it a spin. I'm jaded enough to know that any new detector will not be radically different than anything I have already used for years, and in that I am rarely disappointed. I'm mainly after better ergonomics that performs up to levels I am used to, that's all. I've been bitching for a detector like the Impulse AQ for years, and at 4.2 lbs and I assume in the right price ballpark I'm all in for getting one as soon as I can lay hands on one. As a buyer, not as a tester/reviewer. The Impulse AQ will be a radical improvement over my long departed 7 lb Garrett ATX.

Is there anyone else with enough faith in this detector to buy one without needing a bunch of user reviews? I'm just curious who the innovators and early adopters out there might be?


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As I do 90 percent of my hunting at the beach, I'm all in.  After following this topic for almost 2 years, I've seen enough to know it will be better than what I'm using now.  Bring on the gold!

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The fact Carl Moreland and Alex Tartar had there hands in this machine......... that has Eric Foster roots is enough for me. I still don't see it replacing my excalibur but more of a finish off a spot machine...after the excalibur has had it's go. Come on "AQ"

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I will buy one directly when it becomes available.Don't need any review or testing.After some years of following the develop of this detector and faith in Alexander I know it will perform outstanding on beaches where i hunt.Every time i go out hunting in the water I think about the AQ,I know when i don't find anything in the water its my detector that doesn't detect deep enough to get to goodies and i say to myself if the AQ was here I could definitely hear more signals.Come on Fisher!!!!!!!

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I'm honestly scared to potentially burn other money in another machine, especially after the still unsolved troubles with my TDI bH and for the waterproof AQ's rate of 1mt. too...Not to mention my old sniper Ctx, but in the water the work sounds really different from wetsand. I perfectly mastered the settings, tried anything but I'm not satisfied about noise/signal ratio.

Another smaller coil and a bit of Diy will solve for sure and cheaper than another detector.

What I really want to try is the target "sound selection" not only in tone but all metal.This sort of discrimination that all we know doesn't exist on a pulse, must be at least good enough to accelerate the research time with less undesired targets.

The detection depth for me is not primary. I already know how much effort the TDI is able to give me downthere and believe me, fanning sand sometimes to the depth of your knees isn't easy at all.

First thing I'll need, is a reliable 8"coil for the AQ otherwise I'll never buy it.

The AQ shaft too is not exactly what a water hunter will love...Second mod in my plans will be a full straight Anderson type... Immediately!

In a way or another I definitely want back my good days...

When you do this for a living, yellow is what matters...



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This machine is based on the Aquastar.   While I did find a lot of gold and platinum with my Aquastar.  But it required a electronic tech to keep it running and lucky for me, I was an IBM electronic tech.  On paper the AQ solves many mechanical and electronic problems that the Aquastar had. So for me, it is a must buy detector. 

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2 hours ago, TerryinHawaii said:

This machine is based on the Aquastar.   While I did find a lot of gold and platinum with my Aquastar.  But it required a electronic tech to keep it running and lucky for me, I was an IBM electronic tech.  On paper the AQ solves many mechanical and electronic problems that the Aquastar had. So for me, it is a must buy detector. 

I hope in the future to see an 8"mono coil exactly like the Aquastar's one was...I mean the design is still unbeatable talking about underwater manouvrability... Technically I'm not so expert to say if was a good or a bad choice in terms of depth/noise.

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An unlikely purchase for me......

  • My beaches are generally mineral free due to base coral sands
  • I physically can’t dig any deeper in the rough water than with my Excalibur at full power
  • I will not use a water detector with minimal ingress protection
  • I don’t want to spend unnecessary energy and time digging a wide range of iron and iron/alloy targets
  • I let Mother Nature do the heavy lifting for me and tend to hit areas that I know have had most sand removed and the heavy targets are in range
  • My TDIBH has enough firepower for me if the need arises and it’s good to 30 feet
  •  Crappy Aussie dollar, shipping, tax and an exorbitant dealer markup doesn’t help

But I’m glad detectors such as the AQ exist.......and never say never ?

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I will get one if i find more Gold in the next few weeks ................and i am waiting for other Fisher developments ,regarding new machines thats for the Thames............






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