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Learning To Detect


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My coworker has recently gotten me interested in detecting. I've already been to two of his sites with him and he has loaned me his old Whites 6000 coinmaster. He even allowed me to borrow it on my vacation to Michigan recently. So far I haven't found any treasures but I'm already looking into buying my first detector. I'm 35 and currently in Pennsylvania. Currently don't have much time to detect between having a two year old and work but I'm trying to get out there more.

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Welcome, spandexlurch!  I saw your previous post and encouraged you to say more about yourself here, so thanks for that.  Pennsylvania has a lot of history (and that includes dropped/lost/discarded metal objects ?) so you have plenty of excitement ahead of you.  This site is helpful, informative, and even inspiring (seeing photos of the finds of others).

35 years old -- I wish I had been detecting then.  (That White's 6000 would have been a state-of-the-art detector for me then!  Modern detectors tend to be easier to use, but those classics were pretty good at finding desirable targets.)  Never too early or too late to enjoy this pasttime.  Of course I understand you have higher priorities, but when you get the chance I hope you enjoy it.


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I do find it enjoyable already, even if all I've dug is junk. I even already have permission to detect on a farm that has been around since the early 1800s, and could have had some civil war activity on it. I can't wait to get the time to go there and see if I can find some goodies.

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You've certainly come to the right place! For learning, advice, encouragement, analysis, and the occasional gut check, ? this forum can't be beat.  I just started detecting in March, and with the help of the fine folks on this forum, I am light years ahead of where I would be without it.  Looking forward to hearing (and seeing) more about your journey into this wonderful hobby!

Best of luck to you!


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Welcome "Span",

   You are onto a great hobby! And a great start, finding this forum! We are all at different levels of learning here! But we are all willing to help out! Your knowledge of the hobby will expand quickly! Good luck!??

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SPDXL, Welcome to the hot spot of detecting. This hobby is all about fun and our site is all about encouragement. We all here struggle to get time out due to life's curve balls. Don't worry each time out will give you more and more confidence to find the trash and treasure. Please post all your questions, I'm sure we all here can't wait to help out. Oh and by the way digging junk is half the fun. The other half is just being out. Glad your with us!!!

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Guest Tnsharpshooter

Welcome to the forum.

As far as detecting goes.  Have fun.  Just because you hunt an area and don’t find much don’t let this keep you from going back.  One good way to increase your skills as detectorist is rehunting places.  Trust me.  Even with the same detector model.


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