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Welcome Tim, Good place for information sharing here.

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Welcome bigtim!,

  Hope you like the forum! Give us a little background info, if you care too! (Detector's, State, items you hunt, etc..)        ??

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Welcome aboard and please share your knowledge and finds with us.

Where are you from and what are you using?

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Welcome aboard Tim, glad to have another member to add to the fun. Hope to see some of your posts soon.

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Hello and thanks for the warm welcome from each and every one of you!!


Well as far as background goes and my interest in detecting here it goes.


I live in middle TN about 40 miles west of Nashville called Dickson. Been here 24 years now. Grew up in Texas outside of Houston.


I like to coin shoot and relic hunt.


My older brother got a metal detector for the first time in 1982. I was 9 years old. It was just a radio shack bounty hunter one. I think it was called the prospector.


He being the older brother made me dig for him!!! Imagine that but it was fun and I really enjoyed doing it.


He has now passed away but he was a big influence on the hobby itself. I miss him very much.


So that is how I cut my teeth with detecting. I have owned a ton of units and also was a multiline dealer for a couple of years with my own brick and mortar store here in TN called Henderson's metal detectors and more. Sadly I could not keep up with the online sales and sold all of my stock and building as well. I could have stuck it out but it was tough and decided to close instead.


I actually got burned out on it for about a year. Having my store front and no time I did not get to detect for myself.


A couple of friends kicked me in my butt and got my head right again on the hobby and have been happy again to say the least.


I enjoy history and actually find metal detectors very neat contraptions if you will. I have owned personally had several machines through the years from all of the major brands and like all of you, I liked some better than others. 


Now I am really into the XP Deus and ORX units. Your thread here on this forum is why I signed up here. As far as sharing knowledge on the detecting hobby, I have actually made a video on the ORX and bottle caps and posted the link here in the XP thread if any of you care to take a look. 


I guess before that my favorite units varied through technology and name brands. I know most of you also remember that there was a large leap in technology with detectors in the late 1980's and early 90's. I have owned several Tesoro's, Whites MXT, Fisher F-75, Some Teknetics like the Omega, T2 and the Eurotek Pro, Minelab Xterra's, Garrett CDC 3 Coin commander,  Fisher 1260 and 1225 and some of the Nokta and Makro units.


Anyways, just a little brief history of my experience with metal detectors.


I also am a musician and play guitar too.


When I get time I will update the avatar and such. Nice meeting you all here and seems like a real nice bunch to be around too!!

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Great to have you here bigtim1973. I have shared info with you and learned from you on other forums. Welcome.........



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