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1899 V Nickle Found In A 1930’s Out House

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Nice find.  Unfortunately our USA nickels are among the most vulnerable of our old coins to be damaged by the ground chemicals.

Didn't they also use those pits for dumping trash?  That can also lead to coin finds.  I recall when I was young my mom would dump out her vacuum cleaner bag on the burn pile (not while the fire was burning, though!).  Those old burn piles can produce some nice finds, but of course there's a lot of undersirable metal targets to deal with.  I found a few coins in an old yard where I'm pretty sure they were tossing some trash.

I've read that the path from the back door to the outhouse is a particularly good area to hunt for coins.  Better yet is under the clothesline, but you probably know all this.  (Clotheslines have been very good to me for silver dimes in particular.)

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35 years ago I detected several old farms that had several sites for an outhouse and had found lots of very good finds.

I think that the best find was a $5.00 gold piece that someone had lost.

So if I find an outhouse I don't mind checking the area for an extended period of time. The coins are a little bit deeper, but worth it.

GB it reminds me of the old book called "The 50 yard Dash to the Outhouse" written by Willy Makeit, and co authored by Betty Don't.

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I assume the 'business end' (right end in the photo) cutout is square.  Probably for a timepiece (pocket watch or small clock).  What detector and what digital TID did it show before you dug?

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 Nice find! I can see how the coin got there. Heck if I was using an outhouse now, I would probably lose lots of coins, since now with my jeans around my ankles, coins always fall out of my pockets.


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