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Steve's Insanely Hot GPZ 7000 Settings

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Holy mackerel batman Steve!!! But hey if it works then why not? You have the runs on the board so im all ears. High Yield Normal is amazing in the quieter soils, although I seriously doubt ill find anywhere in OZ where I could use 20 on the Sensitivity.


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Hi steve

I never turn the sensitivity down pas 16 and have it at 20 like 95% of the time.

Pretty much the only time ive needed to turn it doen is under power lines and in tropical electrical storms.

As for audio I also have that cranked too.

But with the ground modes and gold modes I change them like the wind changes direction!

But my goto combo is general normal, I've found that general goes way deeper than HY but the target response is very subtle and takes a very skilled ear to decipher it out of the noise but the subtle signal just keeps on going way further than HY, even on tiny gold.

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Gold Hound, your post on the other forum inspired me to make my post here. Interesting on General and like all things just seems to depend on the ground. The ground I have been hunting as a rule is rather mild but sadly also rather shallow and gold not so large either. High Yield just seems to do the trick better here but then again it may just be my bad hearing does not allow me to equal you skill in that regard. I think I am a fairly good detectorist but never regarded myself as being top notch when it comes to getting my settings dialed perfectly. I rely on my prospecting skills and long hours to make up what I lack in tuning skills. I will try more with General however as I tend to get in a rut sometimes. Thanks for the tip.

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Great post Steve

 I have pretty much been using those settings, except for the audio. I haven't  found a setting combination that really works good for my hearing. Next time out, I will see how your audio settings work for me.  

                                 Thanks for sharing your settings

                                        Norm McQ

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Thanks Steve

Its nice to know that my Post's inspire people of your caliber!

I sent you a pm with a few tuning tips that may help you.

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A question for JP, i have never detected Qld/Nth Qld, can you give some insight on the ground compared to WA/Vic ?

Early on in the release of the Zed the guy's in Qld seemed to be going about their business without to much fuss or fanfare and doing very well whereas guys in WA/Vic were struggling with taming the Zed, now i know with some it came down to operator error but i know myself i have had the Zed in area's where it wasn't happy at all especially where i was the other day.

I guess i should note i was shown to run the Zed flat out by a mate that has done extremely well this year running it on the ragged edge with threshold around default, i managed to catch up with some mates from the US this year, one of the guy's has been detecting with VLF's for 50 years and he run's his flat out in High Yield/Diff but cranks the threshold back to 11 (Bogene settings) so he just gets the occasional squeak as threshold now and then.

I am still trying to find my happy space hindered by the heat now, i usually run high yield/diff and sensitivity at 16-20 but when it starts warming up drop the threshold back.

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Steve, have you tried manual ground balance? For me and the sites I have hunted with the GPZ, I have not found one additional nugget in manual grd balance that I could not detect in with Auto Grd Balance turned on.

There is something to be said by gridding a patch over and over turning up the settings and seeing the difference when running it hot opposed to running more quiet.

I hunted for the first 3 days in the default modes, then turned up the settings little by little, going over the same ground over and over, and found more gold and deeper gold with the settings turned higher and higher.

There is only one mode I wish the GPZ had, and that is a discrimination mode, even if the depth was half in the desc mode, it would be worth it. if I hit an area with large surface targets, it would be nice to be able to switch to a desc mode that will tell me if the shallow surface targets are worth digging.

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Hello schiara,

I have always run exclusively in ground tracking mode. It has always worked well for me, even before the recent update, and so I have seen no reason to use manual. I was a manual only guy until I got my hands on the SDC 2300, which is always tracking, and it is obvious it does not hurt its ability to get the faintest targets. With the confidence built there I just decided early on to go with the tracking system from day one on the GPZ and have never regretted it.

JP made mentions about going to manual whenever digging targets but I have not. I do try and make sure my coil is well away from the hole and pick when I dig but I have not worried about it all that much. Seems if the pick was a problem then going over a can or big nails would be problematic also, and I sure go over my share of those with no seeming ill effects. Maybe I have been too lackadaisical in that regard. The good news is the update was designed to help with those sorts of things so it is doing nothing but get better.

I am no electronics wizard but I do not see anything about the way the GPZ operates that would preclude discrimination being a feature we see some day. For now I seem to be able to cherry pick fairly well if I have to just by digging sweet tones. No doubt things get missed but in a field full of nails it is either do that or break out the VLF.

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