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Nugget Patch Size Question

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As a beginner, I am trying to understand the details of the concept of nugget patch size.  As I understand the concepts, a nugget field is defined as a general area that may contain gold.  And a nugget patch is a small area within a nugget field that actually contains a group of gold nuggets.  From what I have read so far, some patch hunters define a patch as any location that produces two or more nuggets within a distance of a few tens of yards.  Is this a reasonable definition of a patch?  This then implies that there is much barren space between the patches.  I have several questions specifically on nugget patch size: 1) what is the range of sizes of actual nugget patches; 2) does the size vary depending on location (valley/gulley/gulch vs. mountain or hill); 3) does the patch size vary depending on geography (desert vs. a temperate area such as Sierra Nevada or Cascades); 4) is there a patch size relation to the age of the geology, that is, older rocks generally have larger patches? Any help in learning what to expect in the field would be appreciated.

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