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A Short Season Gold Summary


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Great job Jason, and you managed to come in just over my 2 gram a day cutoff point. I'll detect forever for 2 grams a day average, and anything more is a bonus. But it is getting hard to do even that. To think not long ago I had a 1/4 oz a day cutoff, but was expecting like a 1/2 ounce a day. My, times have changed.

Good job, well earned I am sure!

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I try for 2 grams/day overall average generally too, or 3 grams when gold is a bit lower. If I start falling behind on a weekly basis I get nagging in the back of my head and start scrubbing old areas as meticulously as possible, try to imagine some new nuggets into existence, just to get back over that number then go exploring again. It's definitely getting harder in a lot of places! It was a good trip and got a lot done and new land explored to build from next winter too.

It always clears my mind and puts me in a good mood when I spend some time away from town and out in the wilderness. 

Got some new coils to field test this Spring now, starting to lean heavily towards getting a 6000 now too. This upcoming year should be pretty fun! Haven't a had feeling like this in the air since the 7000 first came out and new possibilities abounded.

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Yup, same here. If I start getting ahead of the average, I am building days I can go blue sky detecting. Every day counts, even if it is a day of driving, so my day count starts when I leave home, and does not stop until I get home. The 2 gram a day average has to carry across all of those days, so there have to be better days to fill in the empty days.

I used to chuckle at dredgers in Alaska who would brag they got three ounces of gold in three days. While neglecting to mention the week of hiking, staging gear, and setup involved. If you are doing it for bucks, it all has to figure in.

Thankfully, I have finally got off that horse, and am out just enjoying myself. I can take time to go kick rocks, or take pictures, or just sit and watch the horses. I guess I really am retired now, as making a buck off the gold is no longer job one. :smile:

In over 40 years of running a side business prospecting, I only ever lost money in a couple years. That would be a year I'd have to buy a 6" dredge or something, and maybe not much mining, so in theory I was in the hole. The extra has been nice, and back when my girls were school age, I swear it kept me from going broke. 

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You did better than most Jason, but I know you worked for it.

Don't be so hard on the new GPX-6000 this time, like you did in the 7000.  What I like about you, even though you were not happy at 1st, you came back around and purchased another one, realizing the 7000 is a serious gold detector.  Yes I too enjoy the old GP's, but for the majority of my hunts in non trash areas the 7000 is king...(but might be dethroned soon) - GPX-6000.

We'll see you this next coming winter on here, unless you get a 6000 and need a quick fix.

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Well done Jason.  I won't be rolling up on that land any time soon.  Someone should let the club (GSSN) and Dave know you are out of there.  Good luck with the construction and hope the final price gets you a nice RV.

I'll be very interested in knowing if you think the 6000 is better than the 7000X.  I hope you keep the 7000 to compare.


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