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5x10 Doing It's Thing

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Great hunt with some silver to boot.

Ran out of likes but will come back later and hit it for you.

Good luck on your next hunt.

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I worry about it's depth too. It's a nice coil though. I hunted with it behind the stock 11" coil and it did well. I found several things going back behind the 11". A silver ring and an IHP that I really can't fathom how I could have missed. Not only that, but my buddy swinging his Etrac also missed them. They were solid signals with 10x5. Not iffys at all. Had I just walked away from with the 11" or not heard them at all?  I definitely like it better than the Minelab 6" coil by a lot.

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Depth doesn't seem to be a problem for me, but maybe I'm hunting where there aren't many deep targets. On the beach a couple of weeks ago it was nailing everything up to and over a foot deep. Could be because sand. ?

I'll take the 11" stock coil to the farmhouse and see if I find anything deeper, last two times I hunted there even after a 2 inch soaker rain, I found next to nothing. It would be great to get more!

Now ya got me wishing I had two Equinoxes. ? 

BTW I'm running my 600 in Park 1, all metal, 10kHz because of EMI. Sensitivity 23-24. Tons of EMI there, I could use my Garrett Ace 400. ?

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Ok, today I braved the heat and humidity, but it's almost 90 now (headed to 95) and humidity is headed into the 70s. ? I'm done.

Put the 11" stock coil back on and ran over a front yard that I thought I cleaned out with my 10x5. Honestly I gave the 11" every possible chance to beat the 10x5, sensitivity cranked to 24, Park 1, iron balance F2=3 (max on the 600), both multi and 10kHz which is what I had to run the 10x5 in because EMI. I even used recovery speed of 2, which is 1/3 less fast than the max 3. If anything was deeper it would have found it.

First thing I noticed was that I could run the 11" in multi, the 10x5 is way too sensitive, as another poster noted in his excellent video:

The next thing was that I only found one more relic (jackknife) and it was not very deep, about 5-6" down.20210811_121758.thumb.jpg.b01540cec5e05bb0551b44050a2fadb4.jpg Because of its size I'm pretty sure I missed it because either it gave too much of an iron tone with the hotter coil, or I just plain missed it.

Dooners Hotel existed from 1883 to 1924 and then was replaced by a Federal Reserve building.


It catered only to men apparently, no idea why. ?

Point is that while the 10x5 is a very hot and sometimes noisy coil, it goes silent at 10kHz with heavy EMI and cuts stuff out of the ground like a knife. It really is a killer coil.

I went back and searched the place I found those silver coins and there was nothing, too.

Feel free to analyze my methods critically, but I'd say I may not use the 11" coil much.

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1 hour ago, F350Platinum said:

Ok, today I braved the heat and humidity, but it's almost 90 now (headed to 95) and humidity is headed into the 70s. ? I'm done.

Put the 11" stock coil back on and ran over a front yard that I thought I cleaned out with my 10x5. Honestly I gave the 11" every possible chance to beat the 10x5, sensitivity cranked to 24, Park 1, iron balance F2=3 (max on the 600), both multi and 10kHz which is what I had to run the 10x5 in because EMI. I even used recovery speed of 2, which is 1/3 less fast than the max 3. If anything was deeper it would have found it.

First thing I noticed was that I could run the 11" in multi, the 10x5 is way too sensitive, as another poster noted in his excellent video:

The next thing was that I only found one more relic (jackknife) and it was not very deep, about 5-6" down.20210811_121758.thumb.jpg.b01540cec5e05bb0551b44050a2fadb4.jpg Because of its size I'm pretty sure I missed it because either it gave too much of an iron tone with the hotter coil, or I just plain missed it.

Dooners Hotel existed from 1883 to 1924 and then was replaced by a Federal Reserve building.


It catered only to men apparently, no idea why. ?

Point is that while the 10x5 is a very hot and sometimes noisy coil, it goes silent at 10kHz with heavy EMI and cuts stuff out of the ground like a knife. It really is a killer coil.

I went back and searched the place I found those silver coins and there was nothing, too.

Feel free to analyze my methods critically, but I'd say I may not use the 11" coil much.

F350, finding the right spot to test the coils is sometimes hard to do. I haven't hunted the place I got the coins I posted with the 11" coil yet as I have to do a repair on one of the ears. (After over 3 years one finally broke). I've been using the 5x10 exclusively. Unless there are some coins there a little deeper and not to deep (lol) I won't find anything else either with the 11" if they aren't there and they won't count unless the 5x11 doesn't see them. I think I'll take some flags with me when I go back and use the 11", mark targets I feel pretty confident are deep coins and check them with the 5x10 before digging.  

The only thing I change when switching coils is the recovery speed. 5 on the 5x10 and 7 on the 11". 

I used to play around with the settings and modes more but honestly for the last couple years I've settled in and just listen close. Anyways I'll be sure and post here with results after I've gone back. Tom

I do want to say one more thing in regards to changing things up. I have been trying to use 4khz and a slower recovery speed some. Because the sounds from targets are different enough that I'm not confident in what I'm hearing I've been reluctant to stick with it till I learn what it's saying. I'm pretty happy now...maybe someday I'll stick with a different set up? but that means digging a ton of targets again to learn what it's saying. ????


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Was thinking of getting the 10x5, And my ? to all is Does the coiltek have a problem with multi in lower sensitivity settings say 16 to 19 ? Or just the max settings. I run park 1 in multi, 5 tones with IB 0 to 2 depending on ground conditions, Recovery 4 to 5 and sensitivity between 16 and 19. I tried the 6 '' and I'm not a big fan, Has some masking issues. That's why I've been running my compadre over some of my hunted grounds. I also tried the 4khz for a week and found little benefit over multi with the 11''. I've played with all types of settings and still have a problem of small nails sucking the life out of a tone/VDI or the iron completely masks the good target. Most of the silver within the nails comes up in the zinc penny range which I generally pass by.(don't anymore) I was hoping the 10x5 was pretty good at unmasking and separation. I know we all have different soil so, My concern is not depth( The devil not worth chasing) but the ability to help unmask and separate the good from the bad. Sorry for the questions, Your finds are awesome and I wish you more luck next time out. GREAT JOB!!!!

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I coulda done some depth tests by burying stuff and trying the detector with each coil on it, but for me that's too much work. ?

My hypothesis was that if the 11" stock coil could find more stuff deeper than the 10x5 did I'd... eat my hat I guess. The other issue is my shovel, it's a Predator Barracuda that only digs down about 8". In practical use only about 6". There aren't any deeper targets where I ran both coils, despite that house being there for over 100 years.

At the beach I was hitting stuff over a foot down, they put a foot of new beach over the old one. It didn't take too many deep holes with my scoop and trowel to figure that out.

Got all the coins and jewelry and cool relics that yard had to offer for sure.

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50 minutes ago, dogodog said:

Was thinking of getting the 10x5, And my ? to all is Does the coiltek have a problem with multi in lower sensitivity settings say 16 to 19 ? Or just the max settings. I run park 1 in multi, 5 tones with IB 0 to 2 depending on ground conditions, Recovery 4 to 5 and sensitivity between 16 and 19. I tried the 6 '' and I'm not a big fan, Has some masking issues. That's why I've been running my compadre over some of my hunted grounds. I also tried the 4khz for a week and found little benefit over multi with the 11''. I've played with all types of settings and still have a problem of small nails sucking the life out of a tone/VDI or the iron completely masks the good target. Most of the silver within the nails comes up in the zinc penny range which I generally pass by.(don't anymore) I was hoping the 10x5 was pretty good at unmasking and separation. I know we all have different soil so, My concern is not depth( The devil not worth chasing) but the ability to help unmask and separate the good from the bad. Sorry for the questions, Your finds are awesome and I wish you more luck next time out. GREAT JOB!!!!

EMI is apparently a problem with my Coiltek coil, I've had scenarios (especially near power lines) where I've had to switch to 10kHz with the 10x5 where I had no problem in Multi with the 11", and sensitivity turned down to 21. 10kHz is the only frequency it goes silent on, but the ID's are similar and always there if a target is there. I run the little monster at 24 sensitivity almost all the time, but turning it down in Multi does help.

I also have some of the issues that @DoKKK had with the coil. Haven't done a full test of that yet but might when I put it back on. Did you watch that video?

I'm using Park 1 for the most part now because I'm hunting in yards. I like the Go/No go way it responds to targets, with enough digital ID's to identify. I especially use it at campgrounds, in just a few days on two visits I found over 300 coins at one place, about 1 every 4 minutes. It was shooting fish in a barrel.

As for masking and separation, it is better. I've found coins under nails in places I've already searched with the 11". I can't wait to go over the farm in the fall. There are spots out there that are loaded with iron and lead, but the 10x5 does seem to add the good ID in with the bad ones. If you get a bunch of tones and IDs you should dig.

It's great for getting closer to stuff, searching in stubble (but apparently not wheat ?), and searching between trees and under bushes.

If you can get one it would probably be an asset. Mine is an early one I was lucky enough to buy from a forum member, they may improve newer coils. For sure it's a lot lighter and easier to maneuver than the big guy, and you only sacrifice about an inch of coverage.

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1 hour ago, dogodog said:

Was thinking of getting the 10x5, And my ? to all is Does the coiltek have a problem with multi in lower sensitivity settings say 16 to 19 ? Or just the max settings. I run park 1 in multi, 5 tones with IB 0 to 2 depending on ground conditions, Recovery 4 to 5 and sensitivity between 16 and 19. I tried the 6 '' and I'm not a big fan, Has some masking issues. That's why I've been running my compadre over some of my hunted grounds. I also tried the 4khz for a week and found little benefit over multi with the 11''. I've played with all types of settings and still have a problem of small nails sucking the life out of a tone/VDI or the iron completely masks the good target. Most of the silver within the nails comes up in the zinc penny range which I generally pass by.(don't anymore) I was hoping the 10x5 was pretty good at unmasking and separation. I know we all have different soil so, My concern is not depth( The devil not worth chasing) but the ability to help unmask and separate the good from the bad. Sorry for the questions, Your finds are awesome and I wish you more luck next time out. GREAT JOB!!!!

  I always run my sensitivity as high as possible. I'm usually out of town hunting but have had to turn it down several time well below what I would prefer. I'm sorry but I couldn't say one or the other was more prone to emi. I never really noticed and have never just switched coils to see if there was a difference.

  I'm certainly no expert but I believe the vdi on a good target mixed with iron or ?? will be off no matter what detector. To many factors to say this or that but you're right about digging those 21's and being surprised by silver. The friend I was hunting with got a barber dime at that same hunt. He said it hit 21. He pulled the plug and his pin pointer quickly locked onto a nail in the hole. A quick scan of the plug and ŵa'la numbers jumped up and out came the barber. I've had the same thing happen in the past and it just so happens was on a barber dime as well. 


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