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Hello Norvic. No. I know of him. Don't know him personally. Have never meet him. The gold world in NZ is pretty small & he has been around a while. Always liked his posts on his adventures & finds on a few forums he used to belong to, including this one. I miss his contribution as I am sure many others do too. All he appeared to do was show a love & passion for 'getting out there' as he called it, exploring the haunts of the old-timers & finding any gold they missed. He seemed fairly well respected.

I have been around a while myself chasing gold but I aren't one to put myself out there on forums. While I have a GPZ 7000 I didn't attempt the X coils thing but was impressed with results that I saw from JW & others. Seemed to work for him on ground the Minelab 14" coil had either stopped finding him gold or just the more choices of coil sizes that X coils offered him & others to get into places the ML 14" couldn't or was too difficult to operate in. I know people go on about him "promoting" X coils because he was gifted some, & from a post I saw of his, he also purchased some. The name of this game is to increase your chances of finding gold & I am sure if X coils wasn't doing that job I am sure he & others, including yourself, wouldn't have persevered with them. So obviously they had there place & were doing there thing. I was just too nervous to do the adapter thing. We are all after that advantage in increasing our gold take as the gold is always getting harder to find & smaller. I wont go on about the fall out that occurred & JW's demise, as you will all be well aware of that, but I felt he was dealt a raw prawn & made the escape goat to clear the air. I thought forums were a place where people could share their detecting experiences & what gear they were using without other people ego's or agendas clouding it or prejudice or prosecution as long it was in the spirit of what we do & not targeting or bagging individual people.  

I have a GPX 6000 & on seeing that footage that phrunt put up of an X coil on the 6000 I am very interested. Time will tell what happens from here & it will be interesting to see what, if anything, Minelab will do about it in respect to making other coils themselves or allowing other coil makers to produce after market coils. After all X coils twisted their hand in allowing Nugget Finder to make the 12" so that wasn't all bad in the end for those wanting a smaller coil. 

I see Steve made the comment about "was I JW in disguise"? Because that thread got locked I couldn't reply on there & wasn't sure about opening another, so thank you for giving me this opportunity to answer. I have followed forums for many years but just as a lurker. We have been in a two week lockdown due to the Delta variant of covid coming into out country via NSW from your neck of the woods. We had been enjoying life as normal, with the exception of no overseas people entering, for over a year with no community cases in our country. How quickly things can change. I was bored at home during lockdown so ended up becoming a member of this forum. Whether I contribute much we will wait & see. I aren't one that is really into doing posts on my detecting but always show an interest. I am following things to do with the 6000 & as you were an X coils convert on the GPZ 7000 & now using a 6000 yourself & seeming to love it I will watch with intertest what you may find at depth with the 17" coil. Or if you go down the X coils route with the 6000 as well.  Cheers.



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Thank you DFG, I hope your post has cleared the air it certainly has to me, aye I am a X coil enthusiast, a ML enthusiast, a NF enthusiast, a Coiltek enthusiast etc etc an enthusiast of any thing that helps in this crazy passion we share. I look forward to your future posts Greg my handle is Vic.

I apologize to you JW for having enough doubt to start this thread but at the same time I am very happy I gave it a shot. I hope one day to go over the ditch and visit you folks and flog your patches?


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On 9/3/2021 at 2:46 PM, dig4gold said:

I felt he was dealt a raw prawn & made the escape goat to clear the air.

JW dug his own grave by repeatedly trying to regain access to the forum in an underhanded fashion. Which is why I suspected you. That put a seal on something that otherwise could have been settled in an amicable way. That’s all there is to it, and you stirring old coals better left to die is not welcome.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The sad thing about JW entering the forum multiple times under assumed identities, is that I’d expect him to merely deny he is JW if asked directly. Which leaves me no more enlightened than I was before Norvic started this thread. If you really are not JW, I’d expect you to be offended by all this questioning of who you are. I know I would be. Not sure what I’d do in response. Stomp off? Maybe, but not likely. Knowing me I’d prove who I am. If you care enough about any of this to want to go another step, contact forum member phrunt (Simon) for a chat. Surely two of the few nugget hunters in New Zealand would have something to chat about now that the quarantine is off. Or not. Whatever. If you really are Greg, and not JW, you have my sincere apologies. In my defense I’d have to lay my confusion, and skepticism, directly at JWs feet.

Edit 9/19: well, Greg/JW went silent, leaving the mystery unsolved. Personally, I believe this is JW posing as somebody else. I find this all very odd, and don’t know what to make of it, other than to once again try to leave it in the past… and move on. For my part, I regret hasty actions taken in the past, and bear no ill will towards anyone, for things in which my own behavior played a part. But this continuing behavior by JW is separate from that, and stands on it’s own as odd and troubling. Regardless, I wish him and his well, and intend on moving on, with no hard feelings. Life is far too short for such silly games, and I for one won’t waste any more time on this.

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1 hour ago, SeabeeRon said:

I have seen this type of behavior on other detecting forums as well.

Just don't get why people can't be up front and honest?!?

Because they are scared lol

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4 hours ago, SeabeeRon said:

I have seen this type of behavior on other detecting forums as well.

Tom’s forum has a guy that has been banned and rejoined dozens of times, and there is a Aussie Minelab hater that plays the same game down under. I think Friendly has someone like that also. If it’s a thing in the tiny world of metal detector land, then it must be very common on the larger internet. It’s an oddity of our times that for some people, not being on the internet somehow is treated like banishment from existence. Being “canceled” is treated like a death sentence. I, on the other hand, have a constant low level craving to just unplug entirely. I’m a hermit by nature. I can’t imagine wanting to sneak or force my way into any online venue for any reason. I find the desire in others baffling, but then, lots of things about life baffle me. :smile:

It’s no bad thing to celebrate a simple life - J.R.R. Tolkien

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I don't know what more Greg can say then he has, seed of doubt has been planted, anything he says will just fertilise it. I have taken the stand that JW and Greg are two different people. If this stand is not correct tis no bother as I'm simply a member, whereas for you Steve it is a bother and I respect your view and apologise for starting the thread.

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