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Equinox Newbie Help Required Please


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I didn't have time to read everything here but if no one mentioned it, when just starting out, the best way to avoid digging iron is to focus more on the sound than the numbers. Dig only clear, repeatable, 360 degree signals. Walk around the target and if they sound smooth all the way around with no low tones mixed in, it is more than likely non-ferrous. Some large iron might also sound good but the target profile will be large in pinpoint. Most non-ferrous targets like coins will have a small profile. Once you get familiar with the sounds, a lot of iron can easily be avoided.

You definitely want to dig the pull rings and lead because they could also be gold or hammered silver.


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Good on you for asking questions on how to improve.  However you may be getting ahead of yourself.

Regarding becoming a top golfer, Jack Nicklaus is credited with saying (paraphrased) "first learn how to hit it long; figuring out how to hit is straight comes later."

IMO, metal detecting's equivalent goes something like this:  first learn how to dig everything; later you can figure out how to avoid digging some of the trash.  Note I said 'some'.  Anyone who digs none of the trash is leaving goodies for the rest of us, and we should thank them for that.

A good tip I learned early on (from reading advice just like you're getting here) is to mentally predict what you will dig up and then see if you got it right.  I still do this all the time.  But don't ever think you've got it completely figured out.  "For every rule there is an exception" and that was never more true than at metal detecting.

Try out the 'tricks' and techniques you read about here, but use that to make your prediction and then dig the target anyway, regardless.  That feedback will allow you to teach yourself.  For my last cliche' of this post:  "There's no sustitute for experience."

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