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On 2/21/2022 at 5:48 PM, F350Platinum said:

? That day is coming. Hope it's soon for you. I can hunt a lot, but you're always working for someone. I do like my "new boss" a lot more than others I've had, and she will make me a sammich now and again. ? At least, more often than not, you can choose.

Great couple of hunts. You are the PI coin master here. ?

God, I'm hoping retirement comes before they put me in a box ?

21 hours ago, GB_Amateur said:

That sand sure likes to hide old coins.  I'm glad you have the (physical and mental) strength plus perseverance to harvest them.  Hope you get back there in low tide to find some gold.

If we only could just see everything that is still beyond our reach, I think we would all be shocked. I actually look forward to the pain ? as long as I can find at least silver. I'd even be ok finding copper cents, since that era is the goal of the hunt. Anything above that layer, and the finds drop dramatically. Not many fresh drops left here.

5 hours ago, rvpopeye said:

Every time you post a hunt like that ,,,I just imagine swinging a heavy 5K for that long ...and then add on the amount of holes you must dig .(and possibly fill in too).......

I would be dead for a week of sundays !

I now think you must look like Conan the Barbarian  (with a custom coil on that big ol sword) .  

I plan on pitching this idea for a blockbuster Hollywood movie , so please don't spoil it by not fitting the lead role ....but , if I have to, I guess,, I could step in for the sake of realism !?

Nice haul , as usual .


The filling in of the holes is the real killer ? I fill every hole up. At the start of the hunt I even sweep the sand that's around the hole to make it look pretty, but by the 7th hour I'm barely getting the job done. It takes me twice as long to fill a hole. My right arm is the one that takes the punishment. I tried to swing with the left arm, but no go.  As for the movie, it's all yours ?, but I'll take any royalties you will give me.

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OK , deal !

Swinging the 800/15 combo sends me back to the car for the little coil after an hour tops.

By then I have a good idea where to go back over with the 6  so , it works out.

And if I dig 20 holes in a 3-4 hour session it's a good day.   The audience would be asleep by the intermission, so you're probably gonna have to play the lead......?


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Beach hunt # 26 is a continuation of going behind the GPX 6000 and trying to find the deeper targets. I’m still using the Coiltek 14” anti-interference coil on the 5000. So, I started to grid the next square of the 3 squares I did with the 6000. The other day I hit square 1 and did fairly well. Today was square 2 which did not produce much, as it didn’t produce much for the 6000 either. It did produce a couple of coins but not great considering the area covered. I decided to go back to square #1 and grid it perpendicular to the shore, instead of parallel as previously done. Not much either but did hit a couple more coins. So, I remembered some of those coins from the other hunt barely registered. I slowed down and started to really interrogate any anomaly in the threshold. I dug quite a few holes which were EMI related and did not contain any targets, but there were a bunch of them that sounded a bit different. Those targets did contain coins and they were a just a bit deeper than the other, identifiable targets previous found. I did not get far, only about ½ of square 1, so I have to finish that square next time out and maybe hit square 3 and call it done.  I must admit I was not really in the mood to hunt, but I really wanted to see if I miss stuff. The answer is Yes, of course. ? Even doing the same area, with the same coil, and the same settings you still can find more. Granted, I changed directions and listened better, but the goal was to get more silver from an area that is producing. Surprise of the day was a thin gold name (charm?), that was found by the pinpointer and not the target I was digging. Sometimes it’s fun doing an area again, as there is a lot less iron. Mostly a comfortable hunt, but a bit chilly in the end as the snowstorm was coming in overnight. Great to sneak another hunt in.





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7 minutes ago, rvpopeye said:

There ya go makin' me look bad !  again.....

I don't know how I can take this beating any longer , "serenity now" !?

Everybody gets a GPX on their 21st birthday,,,,it should be a rule !

(And a bucket truck...)


Naw, you're fine. You just got started finding silver. Don't bail on me now ? This beach is EMI heaven (if you like EMI that is ?), so a lot is left to find under the right conditions. Come on down and you can have as much fun as I have digging all those other junk targets too. ? One you try this, you will never be back ?

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Is there an Amtrack station near that beach ???? 

I know, I can't imagine digging that many holes in a day ! Maybe I don't want a GPX !

You must have a young guy inside you , possibly an alien or a robot.

Klaatu , Nicto Baradek !  

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2 hours ago, rvpopeye said:

Is there an Amtrack station near that beach ???? 

I know, I can't imagine digging that many holes in a day ! Maybe I don't want a GPX !

You must have a young guy inside you , possibly an alien or a robot.

Klaatu , Nicto Baradek !  

I'm not sure where the stations are, but the tracks are super close, probably less than 20 feet if you are at the very top of the beach. I will never need radiation treatments.? Between the big battery on my back and the train passing by about 12 times a day, I'm good, and I have a rather glowing complexion. Now if I could just get the train to charge my batteries. ? I wish I had that young guy back, my vote is alien interference when I was a kid.

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 Yeah , that's my story too .....  Nobody can prove I  didn't !   So it must therefore be true.

 I grew up next to train tracks , probably could hobo a ride and tuck and roll when it goes by the beach !  Gotta beef up the case for the detector first.....


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