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looks like I'll be sitting this one out ?

I'm not interested in water hunting, the waters too damn cold here for going hunting in it, or for many to lose anything in it ?

The Gold side of it isn't what I had hoped, perhaps it might surprise me but I'll wait and see what others say. 

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What is the red port on the bottom, and what is that wire doing?  I'm still hoping the port on the back is for a coil, the bone headphones look like they clip on the top.



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Intriguing! One thing i see missing, that is a must for me, is a BIG coil for beach hunting. I haven't used anything under a 15" diameter coil for the last 10 years. 11" coils just don't make it for me these days. It'll probably make the D2 a bit nose heavy, but, I can deal with that one way or another. I'll be curious to see how well it will work in salt sand and water. The D1 never impressed me at all in that respect, and the squeaky sounds it made were "fingernails on a blackboard" to me. If the new tones actually sound like the ones in the video, that's a definite plus. I was actually going to buy one years ago until I heard the tones! It looks like I'll have to keep this thing on my radar, and depending on it's price with all the options I will want, it just might get me to pull the trigger.

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Hmmm, it looks like that plug is related to water use.

The one on the left says "1" on it, then the graphic shows an umbrella, it seems.

The one on the right is red and presumably, has a "2" on it, then the graphic appears to be a SCUBA diver.

Definitely relates to how the controller will be used and where, although I'm not sure exatly what the differences are.

Because they both have slits in them, I'm guessing it's where you insert a tool to unscrew the grey or red round "plugs."

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18 hours ago, Jeff McClendon said:

Personally, I have found more gold nuggets with the 9” HF coil than with the HF elliptical. Sold the elliptical since the HF 9” round coil was so versatile, sensitive and deep. 

Hopefully for me anyway, there is still some kind of threshold based all metal mode like Goldfield that can be run in single or SMF. 

The 9” round HF is out also, so kind of moot. The XP controllers are just that, controllers. There is no reason to exclude existing coils, unless the intent is to insure the existing models remain viable. That means they need some exclusive features of their own. Frequencies above 45 kHz and prospecting capability may be just that differentiating factor, if not for Deus, then certainly for ORX. All I know is I’m already well set for gold prospecting VLFs, and see nothing here that would add to that capability. If I could have my cake and eat it also, with this model having full coil and mode compatibility, I’d probably bite. Looks like I may have to wait for Deus III, however, to get all that all in one machine. The owners manual will tell me all I need to know, so will wait on that at least, before truly deciding.

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