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Just wanted to say hi to everyone have not been on the forums much until recently due to family illnesses started to get back on about two months ago but ended up in the hospital myself due to the covid 19 (Not sure its permissible to even mention that demon on here) if it is not then please delete 

As I said i ended up almost meeting my maker because of it was not fun but I am alive and half way breathing i guess that's all that really matters

I have a ton of reading to catch up on I did do a pre order on the new Nokta/Macro Legend and I am also in the market for a second machine for my grandson who keeps asking when him and I are going to go out again all i can do rite now is just short walks because of the fore mentioned as i have to drag a oxygen tank with me so it will only be hunts in a couple parks near by ended up having to move to the valley of AZ

would like some opinions on detectors for my grandson have been reading up on the Simplex plus, Equinox 600, and the Vanquish for the grandson was also considering the XP ORX  so if anyone has an opinion on any of those I would appreciate any input from those that have used them before things went sideways on me I was teaching my grandson how to use the Xterra 705 which he was picking up pretty good he will be 13 in a few months and I would really like to get him a detector he can grow into so please keep that in mind

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59 minutes ago, DSMITH said:

would like some opinions on detectors for my grandson

Welcome back and glad that you are doing better and hope that you make a full recovery soon.

Now as you may notice I am using the 800 and I am a newbie at all of this metal detecting.

Should your grandson be early teens you may consider the 440 or 540 Vanquish series for him.

The 600 is a great machine but may be to much for a beginner, unless he only uses the factory presets until he learns more about the unit.

Since reading more of your post I see that he is 13 and has some experience with you, so he should be able to handle the 600 easily.

Good luck and happy hunting.

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Welcome back, and hopefully you make a full recovery soon. I’d think the Equinox 600 would be a great place to start for a 13 year old….. wish I could have had one when I was 13! The controls and menus are not dissimilar to the X-Terra so that may ease things, and the Equinox I’d pick for park detecting over the ORX any day of the week. The power of Multi and all that. :smile:

Since you are in gold country, just know the 600 can find gold about as well as the Equinox 800, even lacking the Gold Mode. Gold Mode is as much an audio option as anything else, and similar functionality and performance on gold nuggets can be had via the Park or Field Modes. Tips Here

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thank you Mr Herschbach and Valens Legacy for the replies i am just happy to still be breathing (well kind of ) my Dr keeps telling me i need to get out and walk so i figure what better way to do it then metal detecting had to move in with my daughter because of everything that has gone on but they are having a small guest house built for me to live in on their property behind their main home, don't know what i would have done if it had not been for them 

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A bout with covid is no picnic.

Hope you recover quickly !

Don't undersell a teen's ability to understand any digital device.

You have him familiar with the important details of detecting already. I think he'll probably be able to master any detector you put in his hands PDQ  ! Especially with your help .

My vote is the 600 (and a 10x5 ?).?





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Welcome back "D",

   Sorry to here about the Covid issues! And wishing for a full recovery! 

   Fully agree on the Nox 600! While the 600 has a very good proven history, it also has some proven flaws; albeit few! But it is well tested at this point, and service is great!

    But you also have to consider his interest going forward! There are other very good detectors with a lower price point, that are multifrequency; albeit with a few less features, to consider!

   Good luck in whatever you pick! And for a speedy recovery!???


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