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Winter Time Eye Candy... 2021 Better Finds


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6 hours ago, Dan(NM) said:
Here's a few pics of last years finds. All were found in public places, mainly parks in Texas. I did hunt 1 school and 1 baseball field. My specialty is, hard hit, given up on places. I love the challenge of finding what was left behind. I use the Nox 800 and have it set up to cherry pick copper and silver 90% of the time. If I get into a really old place or around water, I'll open it up a bit. I use my tones as a discrimination , I run wide open . Total silver coin take was 117 and a 287 wheaties, total silver finds 144. Not sure how much clad I found, I cashed it in 3 different times during the year. I'm going on my 4th year with the Nox and have done very well relic, coin and water hunting during that time.

Here's my settings.

Park 1
Iron Bias F2-0
Ground balance 0
Recovery speed 3
2 tones... pitch on -9 to 17 at 3 from 18 and up at 25
Tone break at 18, unless in older places or around water.
No discrimination
Sensitivity as high as the site allows.
Coil scrubbing the ground and a slow sweep. I know what a lot of people are thinking, just think of all the stuff you left behind. I was having to drive 1 to 2 hours one way to get to some of these places. I have to maximize my time because of the time factor.







Nice! I mean, wow! I can’t imagine how that must look in person, what an amazing collection! And thank you for also sharing information about your techniques and settings details too, what a inspiration and help for us newbies!

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Spectacular results for this late into the 50+ years that affordable, lightweight instruments for making such finds have existed.  No doubt you have significant skills in the swinging, recognition, and recovery part of MD'ing but I suspect you are among the best at researching to uncover ununted or lightly hunted sites that contain old coins.  Six silver halves and 25 silver quarters -- those don't come out of sites that have seen much (if any) detecting, at least not when you're using an IB/VLF.  "Well done" doesn't do this justice.

You mentioned a tone break (presumably dig / no dig break) at 18.  I see a few silver content USA 5 centers (aka 'Warnicks').  Did those come in above 18 or were those incidental finds (e.g. from a multi-coin hole with higher conductive sidekicks)?

Also, did you log the number of hours swinging, and if not will you give an estimate?

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Wow -- what an incredible display of finds, capping off an outstanding year of detecting, Dan!



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Wow. Just wow. Reminds me of “the good old days,” and truly an inspiration knowing results like this are still possible. The secret of course is not a new detector. It research, and willingness to always be seeking and trying new places. Brilliant proof some really great locations are still out there, that do not require crazy amount of travel.

Just a wonderful post in so many ways. Thank you! :smile:

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5 hours ago, GotAU? said:

Nice! I mean, wow! I can’t imagine how that must look in person, what an amazing collection! And thank you for also sharing information about your techniques and settings details too, what a inspiration and help for us newbies!

Thank you. It's very satisfying to see some keepers at the end of the year.

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3 hours ago, steveg said:

Wow -- what an incredible display of finds, capping off an outstanding year of detecting, Dan!



Thank you sir!!!!

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