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Outback Yank Is On The Move… Australia V2022

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Congrats on your trip and stay safe, I hear that those who live there don't like us yanks.

Have a good time and bring back some gold.

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All our outback welcoming committee is ready n waiting for ya Paul :laugh:

oz flies.jpg

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1 hour ago, geof_junk said:

Pity you could only get 10% of them in that photo, Aureous.  ?

The rest were all waiting their turn..... ?

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15 hours ago, Tony said:

Hello Paul,

Best of success in WA (I think you like our gold?)

I’ll be out most of September with a couple of your fellow hunters from the USA. At this stage, in the Leinster area.

Might bump into you at some stage ?


Oh no...more Yanks!! --Im going to alert Immi !!!!!!

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13 hours ago, Valens Legacy said:

Congrats on your trip and stay safe, I hear that those who live there don't like us yanks.

Have a good time and bring back some gold.

They hate Yanks!!!!!!!-- that's why I have to stay way out in the desert miles away from civilization and the closest pub. 

It's a dreary... dreary life...... with nothing but the flies and snakes to keep oneself company. 

Gold nuggets come along once in a fortnight, and I cant even find any bigger than a sub-grammer because WA has been flogged to death by every dickhead from around the world. 

I dont even know why I am going back this year--- I guess for the chance to take another drive back east where all the real gold is in FNQ and down in Mexican country--That's where I heard they were picking up nuggets galore.

It is a huge price for airline tickets and will take a lifetime of detecting just to recoup that investment.

I guess someone has to go there... I've always been a Volunteer..



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Crikey I can hear violins.......... in the background behind all the WA tortured moans and groans..... ah no that Outback Tank`s coming back @#%$!&^$%#@ ?

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