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Montana Gold

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Damn! I hope so! Im kinda feeling cursed. 😜 🤣

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Last night was a drama heart pounding night. I climbed into my cot to go to sleep and I heard something walking on other side of the creek and then standing in the creek. Then I heard foot steps on a tarp I have bunches up next to one side of the tent. I eventually went to sleep and at 1:50 in the morning my 16' diameter 10' tall tent started shaking big time on one side of it. I jumpy up out of my sleep and grabbed my Judge and thought, "well here we go! It's go time." A bear was trying to go through the side of my tent. Not sure if a griz or black. Not tracks outside as I am camped on tailing piles pushed out flat with a pile to one side of the tent. My trip alarm is going back up in a few minutes. Tonight will be interesting to say the least. 

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The day before yesterday I found out the bear was a juvenile grizzly. I gave a training to a guy who is a very experienced hunter and tracker and he found some tracks by the wall of the tent that were a smaller grizzly. He described the direction it came in to the tent and how it wheeled around and took off. I said that is exactly what I recall what happened. Amazing he was able to describe the scenario from the tracks. He said knowing it was a griz, you really should get an electric fence. He also said the shots you fired off from your gun will bring grizzlies in unlike blacks. He said if a griz comes into your camp, they will get more and more bold to keep doing it. Got 10 nuggets yesterday at the Utopia claim we are working. Not as good of gold as Smaug's Gold but gold none the less. 

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Reese, fun thread with lots of gold, nicely done.

Have you heard of bear boards? They used them up in Alaska--cut strips of plywood and use a nail gun to stud the strips with lots of nails, place the bear boards around anywhere you don't want the bear to go. Electric fences can work too.

All the best, and keep up the fun,


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Thanks Lanny. I forgot about bear boards. I might have to give that a try. 

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2 hours ago, Lanny said:

Have you heard of bear boards? They used them up in Alaska--cut strips of plywood and use a nail gun to stud the strips with lots of nails, place the bear boards around anywhere you don't want the bear to go. Electric fences can work too.

I have used bear boards for years in the sierra's. They work great, but have to make sure and paint them bright orange so if somebody accidentally comes through they are visible.

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Got 5 nuggets yesterday for 2.3 grams. 35 grams for here so far. Got 49 days left to reach my goal of 2 oz for here. 





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I got only 1 nugget today, but it was a nice one. 2.7 grams. Oh yah, I also knelt in fresh cow sh_t twice today digging targets. 😆🤣. Ended up getting it all over my knee pads, my pants, my pick, my detector and my hands. I was very pissed at these cows. 




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