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Manticore In Gold Field Mode Vs Gold Monster 1000

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As old as I am, I am nearly new to gold field prospecting. I am helping an even older friend re-establish some claims he had 40 years ago in the Northern High Sierras of California. The claim in question has copper, and iron, sulfides next to each other - with free milling micron gold. We have only opened up a short length of the ore body for examination at this time. But, I want to detect along the strike, and hope to find out if there are any gold stringer veins, small pockets of larger than micron gold, or any aspect of significance near the surface. Nothing stands out visually at this time. There is a fair to large amount of iron sulfides in the ore body. The area has had little in the way of hydraulic action from run off. But what the heck, a little exploration never hurt anybody.

So - my question is: Minelab is coming out with the Manticore in 2-3 months and it has a Gold Field feature. I wonder if this will work as well, or better, than the Gold Monster 1000 in our location? If any one has knowledge of the comparison, of knows of, or hears of, a review of the Manticore Gold Field mode vs the Gold Monster 1000 I would really appreciate hearing from you.

There's also an area of ancient river bed, on the side of a hill, that I would like to explore with a detector.

I will be purchasing one, or the other, depending on which will be more capable in our location.

Thank you.

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1 minute ago, HSNGP said:

I wonder if this will work as well, or better, than the Gold Monster 1000 in our location? If any one has knowledge of the comparison, of knows of, or hears of, a review of the Manticore Gold Field mode vs the Gold Monster 1000 I would really appreciate hearing from you.

I think it is going to be a LONG TIME before that question is answered! 

Lots of the gold guys think an Equinox 800 is formidable in the gold area. A better question might be Equinox 800 VS Gold Monster 1000? 

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Have you read the GM1000 reviews here?

Some simple answers are as follows:

1) The ML GM1000 is a dedicated gold detector.  The other two (including ML Equinox) are all-around detectors.  For the latter two you are paying for things you don't need (unless you plan on other forms of detecting -- e.g. coin, relic, jewelry).

2) The GM1000 is available now (as is the Eqx).  I don't know if you are in an area that snows in, but even if not we are a few months away from Manticore release, at best.  And if that turns out to be like the Equinox release, it might take even longer for availabilty if the demand is high.

3) The GM1000 has almost no learning curve involved.  If you use the Equinox (and probably Manticore) in default modes, it may not be so much of a learning curve, but there will be some and there will be the added risk that you get into a mode/setting you hadn't intended.

4) The GM1000 can be made quite compact.  If you are taking it underground (I think you indicated that was a possibility) you will be able to take advantage of that.  The Manticore also has that feature; the Equinox doesn't.

5) The GM1000 comes with two coils which are appropriate for the type of detecting you plan on doing (I think...).  The Equinox comes stock with 11" (no other out-of-the-box options) and has two smaller coils (more appropriate for your intended use?) as add-ons, with extra cost.  (I think the GM1000 has a 3rd coil, optional for extra cost).

6) The GM1000 (with 2 coils) is ~$850 and you can probably get a better deal by contacting a dealer (like Gerry or Rob).  I think the Eqx 800 MAP is now $1000 (maybe negotiable also) and the Manticore is rumored to be $1600 in the USA (highly doubtful negotiability), again those latter two with just stock 11" coils.

7) The performance difference between the three for your needs (and most needs for dedicated gold detecting) are likely imperceptible.

One warning:  I've never used a GM1000 (and obviously almost no one has yet used the Manticore).  Others here may disagree with my assessment.  But Lunk gave one of the GM1000 reviews (first link in first line of this post) and if my life depended upon getting gold detecting advice, I would trust his.  ?




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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/10/2022 at 8:40 AM, HSNGP said:

As old as I am, I am nearly new to gold field prospecting. I am helping an even older friend re-establish some claims he had 40 years ago in the Northern High Sierras of California. The claim in question has copper, and iron, sulfides next to each other - with free milling micron gold. We have only opened up a short length of the ore body for examination at this time. But, I want to detect along the strike, and hope to find out if there are any gold stringer veins, small pockets of larger than micron gold, or any aspect of significance near the surface. Nothing stands out visually at this time. There is a fair to large amount of iron sulfides in the ore body. The area has had little in the way of hydraulic action from run off. But what the heck, a little exploration never hurt anybody.

So - my question is: Minelab is coming out with the Manticore in 2-3 months and it has a Gold Field feature. I wonder if this will work as well, or better, than the Gold Monster 1000 in our location? If any one has knowledge of the comparison, of knows of, or hears of, a review of the Manticore Gold Field mode vs the Gold Monster 1000 I would really appreciate hearing from you.

There's also an area of ancient river bed, on the side of a hill, that I would like to explore with a detector.

I will be purchasing one, or the other, depending on which will be more capable in our location.

Thank you.

Personally, I would go with the Gold Monster 1000. It's easy to use and works great. You won't be sorry!

Best wishes! Jim

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Stating the obvious, Manticore using its Gold mode in Multi or single frequency vs Gold Monster 1000...... hard to tell since any gold prospector that has tested or used a Manticore isn't talking about it. There has been plenty of information about the Equinox 800 versus the Gold Monster 1000 on this site however and all I am going to say about that is do some research here on that subject before just going out a getting a GM 1000.

The number one factor that should be considered in my opinion and from my experience is the level of iron mineralization, hot/cold rocks and variations in the ground at the sites being hunted.

If the Manticore's Gold mode using the Multi frequency setting acts anything like the Equinox 800 using its 2 Gold modes set on Multi, it may have some advantages over the single frequency only Goldmonster 1000 as far as ease of ground balancing, ground handling and useable depth in more challenging ground conditions. At least the Equinox 800 can be used in ground tracking mode, ground grab or manual ground balance mode. Gold Monster 1000 is tracking ground balance only. I'm not saying that is good or bad. It is just not an option on the GM 1000. So, Manticore/Equinox 800 have a lot more possibilities for effective use at more sites (even submerged) than the Gold Monster 1000 and the overall sensitivity between the Equinox and GM 1000 especially with the Equinox in 40 kHz single frequency for air testing versus the GM 1000 is very close.

As far as the features that Manticore's Gold mode may have that are the same or similar to the Equinox 800.....I just haven't looked into it much at all. For a gold prospector, the Manticore's 0 to -99 iron range has me intrigued a bit......... I will say that the Equinox 800 has many features in its Gold modes that can help a prospector which the GM 1000 does not have. That gulf may be even bigger with the Manticore.

Gold Monster 1000 may be easier to make smaller in it's stock configuration, but in my opinion it is not any harder to do the same with the Equinox even in its stock configuration. Adding collapsible carbon fiber shafts to the Equinox 800 makes it super easy to backpack and very lightweight.

In my opinion, you actually have more coil choices now with the Equinox than with the Gold Monster 1000 with the addition of the excellent Coiltek coils made for the Equinox. Coil choices for Manticore that are good for gold prospecting.........don't know when those will be available.


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Hi HNSGP, I would actually consider a used SDC instead, or the Axiom. I know this will be at higher cost, but having a PI rather than a VLF will be the better choice for your purpose, IMO. Sierra Nevada is full of hot rocks and heavy mineralization, and PI, especially MPF, will be a big advantage. Swing any VLF over the motherlode serpentine schist, and you will know what I am saying.?


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On 9/10/2022 at 8:40 AM, HSNGP said:

As old as I am, I am nearly new to gold field prospecting. I am helping an even older friend re-establish some claims he had 40 years ago in the Northern High Sierras of California. The claim in question has copper, and iron, sulfides next to each other - with free milling micron gold. We have only opened up a short length of the ore body for examination at this time. But, I want to detect along the strike, and hope to find out if there are any gold stringer veins, small pockets of larger than micron gold, or any aspect of significance near the surface. Nothing stands out visually at this time. There is a fair to large amount of iron sulfides in the ore body. The area has had little in the way of hydraulic action from run off. But what the heck, a little exploration never hurt anybody.

So - my question is: Minelab is coming out with the Manticore in 2-3 months and it has a Gold Field feature. I wonder if this will work as well, or better, than the Gold Monster 1000 in our location? If any one has knowledge of the comparison, of knows of, or hears of, a review of the Manticore Gold Field mode vs the Gold Monster 1000 I would really appreciate hearing from you.

There's also an area of ancient river bed, on the side of a hill, that I would like to explore with a detector.

I will be purchasing one, or the other, depending on which will be more capable in our location.

Thank you.

Look at "Steve's Guide to Gold Nugget Detectors", if you haven't all ready. It may help you decide.  https://www.detectorprospector.com/magazine/steves-guides/steve-guide-gold-nugget-detectors/

Best wishes! Jim


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