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GPX 5000, Deus, AT Pro, Mxt, Eureka Gold, X-terra 705, Best Combo?

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Hi everyone , I'm new to prospecting and already addicted after 2 months .                                         I was lucky enough to meet an old timer who has been prospecting for most of his life but is to old to go out these days , so instead refurbishes old detectors . I picked up a sovereign gt and an old a2b gold hunter . To cut a long story short mike (old timer) had his whole yard set up for detecting in highly mineralised soils to trashy beach conditions . I learnt a lot in the several occasions I have been there as mike has pumped as much knowledge as he could into me. I've learnt how to use both machines well and found some great treasures with both machines . As with any hobby I purchased an sdc2300 , good machine in mineral soils and hard hit areas .                                             Problem: looking for an all purpose machine , I got pulled into the hype surrounding whites mx sport and sold my sdc2300 ( In addition I sold the sdc as my wife found out the price and threatened divorce) and put my a2b in my mancave in a glass cabinet next to my sporting memorabilia. So down to the sovereign gt , I have ordered a nel attack coil for it , which will slightly improve performance I'm told .                             So I need a gold detector and an all rounder to complement the sovereign get : anyone with advice - I'm thinking between the deus, gpx5000( price is so high though) garrett at pro and whites mxt. 

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G'day and welcome aboard, I would forget the Sovereign GT altogether, They null out too much when it goes over Iron and you will walk over too many targets, Keep the MXT for Gold and mooching through the trash areas and a GPX for the Tough Ground, also don't discount the Fors Relic.

The Sovereign GT is about the best VLF for the beach and great for coin hunting, But in junk filled sites they do give you a hard time because they keep nulling out and you will miss a lot of targets because the threshold vanishes, But On the beach they are Great.

hope this helps,, John

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18 hours ago, Danny said:

anyone with advice - I'm thinking between the deus, gpx5000( price is so high though) garrett at pro and whites mtx or as rough water had done looking at a eureka GPX combo? 

I'm probably not the best to advise but I've heard the 4500 is near as good as the 5000 at less money. Assuming you want a more dedicated VLF gold machine, the Makro Racer 2 and the Eureaka Gold look like good choices.  But lots of folks also recommend the xterra 705 Goldpack, the gold bug 2, Whites MXT to name a few and not necessarily in that order. If you want a waterproof Gold detector maybe the AT Gold.


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Thanks death ray and John . The mxt for beach and trash areas and as a back up for a GPX ? Any thoughts on the deus xp?

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I do like the sovereign gt , a relic itself , I have it on all metal mode when using it . Good machine to learne on but looking for the next now . Cheers


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Thanks John , will pick one up , looks like what I'm after and would compliment a 5000 or slightly cheaper 4500.

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There is a lot of great stories from people here that have used them with a lot of success and the Battery life is around 50 to 60 hours on average and with some brands of batteries  last even longer and there are about 30 plus coils made for them so I am sure you will find some that suits your needs,

Good Luck, John.

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