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How Long Are We Going To Wait?


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55 minutes ago, midalake said:

How long are we going to be Guinea Pigs?

WHEN will a 1.0 software come out???????

Right now, I would be happy with just version 0.8...............

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Personally, I hope they don't stop at 1.0. Version 1.0 software doesn't guarantee a finished product. Look how many other detectors and other products had and still have updates after their version 1.0 comes out. In today's computerized hardware, products should be continually updated as needed. In reality a finished product that is no longer updated, specially a metal detector, is actually at its end of life.


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From what I've witnessed, XP seems to focus more on quality than marketing hype.  Therefore, I expect that the next firmware release would come when XP feels it is ready.

I agree with CPT_GhostLight - 1.0 is just a number and may not imply any special level of software maturity.

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Personally , I am happy with 0.71 ...  I have no urgency to migrate to a new version , and I will probably wait a little before  migrating to the new version when it is available ...

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So far 0.71 has done great by me, sure makes my metal detector find metal. ?

Would be nice to see some gold tweaks, it kinda freaked me out that it didn't "see" a 7g 14k chain dropped on the sand in front of me. Had to de-filter my beach program a bit. Don't have too many gold chains lying around to test with probably because of that ?

My worry is the same as some above, a new version might compromise older programming, and to what end? Yeah, give them time to fully test a new release. ?

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