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Garrett Axiom Software Update Gets A Little More Depth And Au For Us

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I am in Oz... tralia

The up the road supplier has no Axioms left... hmmm... so I am today trying to buy the Axiom from the other side of Australia, in Kalgoorlie West Aust... 

Heres hoping all goes well...


Good prospecting to you all...


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9 minutes ago, Sam-u-al said:

The up the road supplier has no Axioms left

There are none....they haven't been supplied to dealers yet. Early Dec is the guess. 

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9 minutes ago, Sam-u-al said:

I am in Oz... tralia

The up the road supplier has no Axioms left... hmmm... so I am today trying to buy the Axiom from the other side of Australia, in Kalgoorlie West Aust... 

Heres hoping all goes well...


Good prospecting to you all...


No dealers has the Axiom for sale, it hasn't been released by Garrett for sale yet!!

The best you can do is get on a "waiting list"

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I thought mine were on their way!  I put in an order with my Distributor on Friday.  Less than 30 minutes later I received a notice of a package coming my way.  Too soon for my order but they actually pulled, packed, and labeled it in 26 minutes!

Hopefully soon!  December sounds good.  Can hardly wait!


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I wonder if we will see Axiom deliveries in the US before the end of 2022? I hope so but it’s almost November now. Keeping my fingers crossed!

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2 hours ago, Sam-u-al said:

I am in Oz... tralia

The up the road supplier has no Axioms left... hmmm... so I am today trying to buy the Axiom from the other side of Australia, in Kalgoorlie West Aust... 

Heres hoping all goes well...


Good prospecting to you all...


You can’t have what nobody has yet. The machine has not shipped to dealers from Garland, Texas yet, and when it does, there will be shipping and customs to clear.

I just heard a video is floating around of me waving the Axiom over some test targets at the Minelab booth in Windmeyer. I was trying to be nice to a curious guy, but uncomfortable being in the booth, even though they said it was ok. So I was mainly just trying to get out of there. Somebody decided to try and make something of a completely unserious few moments, coil mismatch between machines, nothing really tuned up to max, and EMI everywhere. A complete joke, and a black eye for whoever is trying to play that silly game. But what else can one expect in this day and age?

Wait for real people who actually take the time and effort to learn what they are doing before jumping to conclusions on this detector. It’s got some people worried, and you can expect the full force of interests with turf to protect to be in play on this one.

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24 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:

You can’t have what nobody has yet. The machine has not shipped to dealers from Garland, Texas yet, and when it does, there will be shipping and customs to clear.

I just heard a video is floating around of me waving the Axiom over some test targets at the Minelab booth in Windmeyer. Somebody decided to try and make something of a completely unserious few moments, coil mismatch between machines, nothing really tuned up to max, and EMI everywhere. A complete joke, and a black eye for whoever is trying to play the silly game. But what else can one expect in this day and age?

Mmm... Hi Steve...

I searched all I could on detectors for the last two months {when I decided it was time to buy one and just travel for a few years} … …so then, the goal was to find what the 'story' of DETECTING is about, and in process, found two videos on the Garrett Axiom that had a lack of detail (around Tibooburra NSW) but I also missed the 2 subsequent vids in the series... (and I commented on the lack of detail in an Aust Forum)... I have not seen the Windmeyer vids... 

That void of lack of detail has been filled somewhat... and looking forward to finding out more . . .

It is only in the last few days I decided that the Garrett Axiom, is the better of; what is available for my needs {even though I am virtually starting from scratch re use of detectors, but when I start will be doing it everyday all day mostly..}... the other detector was in Nexus range but finding detailed info on that range of detector was not so easy... so!

What I like about the Garrett is that it IS made in the USA... Much the same as many of the Builders' tools I own, are made in the USA... as the quality is so much better... as most Asian made stuff is pure rubbish when it comes to quality...

I appreciate someone like yourself Steve, who has the experience, and expertise to convey that experience in a succinct way to Aussie newbies like myself and others... and I am sure that many people appreciate what you share.. thank you from all of us...

And the delay in shipping from Garrett, makes for a good time to research more about not only Axiom but of the vast amount of other stuff relative to geology and gear usage as well... mainly about what to leave at home... lol...

Good health and cheers to you...

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