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Off Topic Rob Allison's Forum Has A Virus


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Just tried to log into Rob's forum, my security software blocked entry. I did a virus scan on my machine and it's fine. Use caution trying to log in. This was approximately 6:45Am Arizona time today11/23/22



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36 minutes ago, MikeT said:

Just tried to log into Rob's forum, my security software blocked entry. I did a virus scan on my machine and it's fine. Use caution trying to log in. This was approximately 6:45Am Arizona time today11/23/22


Strange, logged in fine a few minutes ago.  


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Rob's forum does not have a virus. I just reviewed his code. There is no virus and no indication there ever was one. The warning you received is about a malicious url - not a virus. Big difference. The way uBlock works the warning may not even be about the site you are trying to visit.

It's a 24 hour filter block that will be lifted after the issue is resolved. If you didn't install and use the free third party software that put a warning notice on the site you wouldn't see any block or any problems. A lot of times these warnings are more about poorly coded "free" antivirus and "security" software than about any real threat to users.

Mike I'm surprised you would post something like this. Rob is a good guy that has worked hard for years to build his business, serve this community and his family. Spreading this kind of disinformation can cause real damage to Rob, his customers and his family. Saying these things about an internet business is really no different than painting slurs on a shop owners window. I doubt you intended harm here Mike but please think twice about raising panic and fear about someone's business. Maybe choose your words more carefully next time?


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20 minutes ago, Clay Diggins said:

Rob's forum does not have a virus. I just reviewed his code. There is no virus and no indication there ever was one. The warning you received is about a malicious url - not a virus. Big difference. The way uBlock works the warning may not even be about the site you are trying to visit.

It's a 24 hour filter block that will be lifted after the issue is resolved. If you didn't install and use the free third party software that put a warning notice on the site you wouldn't see any block or any problems. A lot of times these warnings are more about poorly coded "free" antivirus and "security" software than about any real threat to users.

Mike I'm surprised you would post something like this. Rob is a good guy that has worked hard for years to build his business, serve this community and his family. Spreading this kind of disinformation can cause real damage to Rob, his customers and his family. Saying these things about an internet business is really no different than painting slurs on a shop owners window. I doubt you intended harm here Mike but please think twice about raising panic and fear about someone's business. Maybe choose your words more carefully next time?


I agree with this, and it’s obvious that the thread was made by a misunderstanding; it obviously was intended to help others, but was a simple mistake.

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Now, what Mike has done is pointed out a major issue for Rob, yes the site is malware free however, and this is the important bit, everyone that uses McAfee products including other products that use their database is going to be blocking his site and warning viewers it is infected.  Some routers even use McAfee for their built in security which means it will be blocked at router level for some people.

Rob needs to know this problem exists.



If Mike didn't point it out and Rob didn't find out about it he would have a potentially large part of his customer base told his site has a virus and it be blocked from them seeing it, now that would damage his business.


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2 minutes ago, phrunt said:

Now, what Mike has done is pointed out a major issue for Rob, yes the site is malware free however, and this is the important bit, everyone that uses McAfee products include other products that use their database is going to be blocking his site and warning viewers it is infected.  Some routers even use McAfee for their built in security which means it will be blocked at router level for some people.

Rob needs to know this problem exists.



If Mike didn't point it out and Rob didn't find out about it he would have a potentially large part of his customer base told his site has a virus and it be blocked from them seeing it, now that would damage his business.


@Rob Allison

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Turns out they think it has PUP's on it, potentially unwanted programs, so it's worth checking there are none as attachments on peoples posts or anything, generally executables and scripts would be blocked uploads though? I've never used his forum so don't know what its allowing.


Rob can go here to dispute it


And can check it here, just select Mcafee real time monitor


It's going to take at least a week to resolve.

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