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AQ Control Pod Mounting Issue

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Has anyone had  their control pod come lose on this detector?

Pressed my thumb aganst the panel and noitced that it was moving and not secured. Doesen't seem to be any obvious fix although there's a screw visible at the side of the handle when you roll the foam down.

Still works but only an impact away from disaster...



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52 minutes ago, Joe Beechnut OBN said:

Both of mine are Ok right now, I believe Carolina will have something for you on this. 

I sent him a email. No need to help the bashers here lol.

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2 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

Yeah, people with legitimate issues, actual real problems, they are just bashers, and certainly don’t deserve any help from you. How dare anyone do anything other than tell Fisher what a great job they have been doing, and how we all hope for more of the same.

Fisher sold the AQ as a limited addition and invited everyone to respond with their thoughts good, bad and otherwise to help produce a final version. After two years now most of us have responded to them with our thoughts. This particular issue was addressed by Dennis ( LE JAG ) in the beginning as well as others that kept their units and continued to use them, as others after a couple of months cut and ran and only posted their thoughts here. Most unfavorable. How many constructive emails did you send Fisher ? Clive is a good friend and I have reached out to him in support. This is your forum and you certainly can respond in any manner you wish, but your response is exactly what I wished to avoid. It does nothing to help Clive or others. It is though, an attempt to belittle me. 

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You think I am belittling you? And that I have done nothing to aid Fisher?

Calling people bashers is an insult and I take it you were directing it at me and others who have posted critical comments. Your response confirms that. The unfavorable commentary is based on real life experiences, and is not there for any other reason that there have been a lot of problems with the Impulse, perhaps one of the most issue plagued metal detecting platforms ever released. If you did not want a response like that from me, then you should keep your passive/aggressive comments to yourself. The lol acts like it is a joke, but it's just a jab at me and others, one I don't find it funny in the slightest. It belittles those with serious and repeated problems with the Impulse, and purposefully withholds information that might help others who are still having those problems.

Are these posts bashing? Problems like this are far too common. The detector was riddled with design flaws since day one that plague people to this day, and new buyers sure need to be made aware of it, since Fisher continues to struggle to get this machine right. They don't need somebody sugar coating this stuff and downplaying it as just a few problems for a few people. People that get told they are the problem, just don't know how to use their machines, or blown off as bashers.

I have worked with all these companies for decades, Fisher included. Fisher used to have plenty of stories and testimonials from me on their website. I've worked directly with your friend Eric Foster and Alan Holcombe at White's, and was the person that talked Alan into buying the rights from Eric to produce the TDI. I have a very nice email from Eric not long before he passed, offering me a free 8" coil, and we discussed at some length what he saw to be flaws in the Impulse. I declined on the coil because by that time I had sold my Impulse.

I have worked with and communicated with Dave Johnson many times over the years, on the Gold Bugs and F75 in particular. I followed the development of the Impulse from the very earliest days. When Fisher got involved, I created this forum, and posted more in depth and helpful information here than anyone other than Alexandre and Willy. I was in constant communications with both of them and with Rick. This forum was set up specifically for them as a vehicle for us, the buyers, to communicate with them and Fisher on what was indeed supposed to be a cooperative project, with information flowing freely back and forth.

Who created this thread and was involved in all the links referenced?


I had one of the first Impulses available, and I will be amazed if you provided even 1/10th the feedback I did. I doubt anyone but Joe has. Every improvement to be included in the new version of the Impulse had my input and suggestions. I was working directly with Fisher at the time on an advisor on their new website that never materialized, and wrote two articles for them gratis for that website. One finally did appear on their Facebook page. As far as feedback and level of support I graciously and at no charge provided to Fisher, you are completely ignorant of and off base about it all.

I've been quite frank with with ALL the companies about their issues and problems, and having worked directly with all of them for decades, my words get heard. I am sought out by them because I don't blow smoke up their asses trying to make them happy. Yes men are a dime a dozen in this industry where integrity can be bought with a free detector. I am frank and constructive in all my commentary, and I have been told many times how valuable that feedback is. I praise them a lot when they deserve it, but I also hold their feet to the fire when they do not. I do not accept manufacture advertising here for that exact reason, though it's been offered many times. I'm not doing this to make a buck off you guys, I'm doing this because I am passionate about this industry and care what happens in it.

I have known Carl Moreland since his White's days, in fact provided a reference for him to Alan that probably had a lot to do with him getting hired at White's. I have visited with him personally, and we have communicated a great deal on the Impulse, which to this day I am helping with where I can, the Impulse Gold in particular.

Yeah, and ask Clive if I have ever helped him at all.

You on the other hand seem intent on being nothing but an apologist for Fisher, and generally do nothing but try to provide cover for them on what has been an abject and embarrassing failure of a project so far. That is not being productive in the slightest. They need to be told loudly that this is not acceptable on any level. So yes, I was a great booster for them early on, far more than you or anyone else except for Rick, but I am also now one of their biggest critics in this. I have completely earned that right. As you say, this is my forum, that I use to influence events and mold the industry when and where I can. I have done huge amounts to bring better products to you and others, and I sure am not going to apologize for one second how I go about doing that.

The day Fisher releases an improved AQ done right, if they ever do, I may be first in line to buy one. I have done nothing but praise the basic circuit and how it well it works. But Fisher has dropped the ball on this, that's just a fact, and it's not a sin to say so.

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No apology’s needed. I stand on my post though. Merry Christmas to you and all. Eric and I discussed sending you a coil and at that time I told him I thought you had already sold your machine. He reached out to you from kindness and past endeavors. As for the TDI, I have several mails that he told me loop holes in the sale of the Dual Field rights gave up rights to the TDI that he regretted to the time of his passing. As far as the informative information on the AQ most were done in a negative manner on this forum. Eric did write a 7 page report on his findings of the AQ. None were in a negative tone though. None of my post was aimed at any one certain person including you, so I am sorry that you took it that way. For that I apologize.

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Just for the record, I posted this problem because there's no broken plastic-it looks like an easy fix.  There's a screw visible which looks likie it woulld have something to do with how the pod is held in place.  If this looked like a serious problem I( would not have posted it here because I love this detector.  

Had hoped someone would  just clue me in to how it re-joins--period.

That said, it's clear that the AQ didn't turn out to be the "discriminating pulse for the masses" but for my purposes and with the skills set and tolerence for works in progress that I bring to the table its pretty good.  

Key word here is tolerence...?

Kind Regards 




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1 hour ago, bklein said:

I just managed to get in touch with a human (Debbie) in customer service and she’ll call me back with a status. One of the issues it has is this wobbly mount. 

Eva Shea ( pronounced ehh vah )

eshea@frsttx.com  (1-915-633-8354 ext. 1127

Try this. She will take care of you.

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