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Well It Finally Happened - Deus 2 Gold!


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The curse is broken! 😆 I finally hit gold with the D2!

Of course there was no curse, there was a curve... a learning curve. There was and still is a lot to learn with the Deus 2, but I feel like I've turned a corner and perhaps made it to the next level. I've been experimenting quite a bit lately with programs and settings and have really gelled with Relic, Fast, and to some extent, Deep HC for the places I hunt and the targets I seek. I am land locked in the iron rich soil of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. I hunt city parks, creeks, lake shores, and occasionally ghost towns and relic sites. Even in my parks there is iron loaded fill dirt under the sod and tons of modern metal trash in the sod. So the Fast program and variations of that have really worked well for me to separate and unmask good targets.

I generally hunt in Pitch tones with Square audio because I like that slap in the ears when it pops a good sounding target tone through the garbage layers that stops me in my tracks. But a couple of days ago I was waiting for a detecting buddy to show up at the same old park we were at last week and nobody was in the park so I decided to play around with some setting while I was waiting. I fired up a the D2 and loaded up a modified wide open Fast program and switched to Full tones with PWM audio. I rarely hit play grounds because they are always busy but since I was the only one there, I figured why not. I took two steps into the tot lot and got a banging 50-51 tone. I figured it was a foil cap liner from a juice bottle, but just a inch or two under the wood chips was a beautiful 5.3 gram 14K gold ring with a black star sapphire center stone surrounded by small diamonds, which has already been claimed by the wife! 😉

I seriously thought of just calling it a day after that because there was no way to beat that, but I was there to look for older coins so I stuck it out. I ended up with a silver earring back, 7 copper memorial pennies, no wheats or indians or silver dimes though, a 5 cent "Toy Money" coin, an older metal toy army jeep with "Chicago, USA" underneath, and other odds and ends, including a thick chunk of heavy brass colored metal with "maco" on it.

So the ring made my day. Was it found because I switched programs? I don't know. I have been running my notched Fast program at 40 so I would have found it with that program for sure. It was probably sheer luck. Right place, right time kind of thing because that park is hit almost every day by detectorists according to a few locals I talked to. So whatever the reason, I'm happy to have finally found gold with the D2 and I feel like I am now comfortable enough with it to make any kind of changes I need to to suit the place I'm hunting on the fly. The more I explore with the Deus 2, the more I love it! We are finally learning to trust each other. 😎





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YES!! nice sapphire and diamonds! Man, what a find. 👍 really like the Tootsie jeep too.

And trash served up for dinner! 🤣

I knew you'd find one eventually, and of course you scored big time. Congrats!

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Awesome job! Best thing is you dug it all and that's why you came out the winner. First of many coming your way. 

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Really Very good, congratulations! 

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