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Scouting With The Ws6 Master - Didn't Expect This

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Finding great stuff like that this early in the year will make the rest of the year suck. You know that right? ?

Great stuff!

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8 minutes ago, kac said:

Finding great stuff like that this early in the year will make the rest of the year suck. You know that right? ?

Great stuff!


Nah I've got my 4 leaf clover on my finds pouch ? probably why I found that coin in the first place ?

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You were supposed to put the ? on your detector!! Not your "trashcan"!!?

   Great job, as usual!!??

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Just now, Joe D. said:

You were supposed to put the ? on your detector!! Not your "trashcan"!!?

   Great job, as usual!!??


I have a separate bag for trash. ? The Relic Elite gets the good stuff.20221231_170256.thumb.jpg.4446191b8db14c5a21686f17251d43ae.jpg

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Great hunt and a nice save even with your soil.

Now that you got the old coin out of the way everything else won't come close to it this year.

Good luck on your next outing tomorrow even though it is going to be more windy and with a little bit of rain.

Stay safe out there.

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8 hours ago, Valens Legacy said:

Great hunt and a nice save even with your soil.

Now that you got the old coin out of the way everything else won't come close to it this year.

Good luck on your next outing tomorrow even though it is going to be more windy and with a little bit of rain.

Stay safe out there.

Thanks VL!

? Going out Friday to scout two more places. Today and Thursday are "home days". I don't like to hunt on weekends, and usually wait until the second day after it rains. ?

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We need a "WOW" emoji, because, WOW! They're all awesome finds, but that W&M coin is absolutely amazing! Way to go and congrats! That new permission could be the big one. You're going to have to build your own museum soon. Well done! ?

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18 minutes ago, CPT_GhostLight said:

We need a "WOW" emoji, because, WOW! They're all awesome finds, but that W&M coin is absolutely amazing! Way to go and congrats! That new permission could be the big one. You're going to have to build your own museum soon. Well done! ?

? Thanks Cap'n.

135 acres is gonna be a lot to cover. I've got 3 smaller scouting hunts coming up, one old house deep in the woods, a mile long trek through the forest to a possible 1812 invasion landing, and a small farmhouse site. This landowner owns 100s of acres all over the place, and always tries to think of new places for me to go when I talk to him. I'm working on some other stuff too with another guy who knows another big landowner. They get a kick out of my exploits, and I like hearing local history from them.

I'm definitely filling up some Rikers, and I have a box of stuff too big for the cases.

Just so it gets out there, it seems the WS6 Master is even more impervious to EMI, or at least that is what it "feels" like. I strongly recommend that those that have the whole D2 system and relic hunt get another shaft and try it out. I took @palzynski's lead on that, it really is as good to use as he has written. Once you are used to the way things sound you really don't need the extra RC displays.

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