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M8 & M15 Coils Price And Availability?


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Don't know where you got that quote (it's not what Chase asked for -- a link) but it's wrong.  They didn't say they would flood the market in November, and there were a few released.  Some people may have a legitimate beef (don't know) but exaggeration is always a sign of a weak argument.


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I don't think it is exaggerating much to say people have had to wait a very long time for Minelab to produce accessories. I took the "Minelab Calendar" post as tongue in cheek sarcasm, and kind of appreciated it myself as one of the ones bent out of shape over delays on coils, or even things as simple as coil covers. Anyone holding their breath for anything is ignoring even recent past history.

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   And although very good detectors! (I have two models)! Another reason I'm in no hurry to buy MineLab again! With their customer responses, or lack of them, it's not a good business model to stick with! I don't know if they have always been appearingly "indifferent" to customers timing/requests?, but they appear slow on the uptake, for whatever reason!!

   But thankfully, there's three other companies out there, that seem more responsive, IMO!!??

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When I ordered my Manticore 2nd Sept.  I also ordered the extra coils and lower shafts . At this time Miners Den in Bendigo still cannot give me a time frame for delivery , nor price . No doubt they will be expensive !

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Was so hoping they'd offer a round 6 for the manti

the 6 on my 800 is a stone cold treasure magnet. tiny plugs, crank the sens, just destroys old homesites, schools, churches, iron fences.  but, will snag the 8x5.5 first chance i get

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2 hours ago, Medina said:

Was so hoping they'd offer a round 6 for the manti

the 6 on my 800 is a stone cold treasure magnet. tiny plugs, crank the sens, just destroys old homesites, schools, churches, iron fences.  but, will snag the 8x5.5 first chance i get

You can still do that with the 800/900.  Not sure the M-core really brings anything more to the table in that regard, anyway.  Now that the 900 comes with a collapsible shaft, I can bring it and the 6" coil along in a day pack while I swing my main rig.

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