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Beach Mode For Park Cherry Picking With Far More Accurate Id's On The Manticore


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Right, this is a weird one, I've heard many people point out the Manticore seems to excel as a beach detector more than anything, and I was quite disappointed with my Manticore on my typical deepish coins with it's unstable target ID's, it found everything fine but my ability to cherry pick just wasn't there like it is with my other Multi-IQ detectors, I used my Vanquish to find a few $1 and $2 NZ coins today and once I found them with the Vanquish before digging I ran the Manticore over them and the ID's were pretty poor, I tried many things to improve them, recovery speed of 4 seemed to help the most out of everything in All Terrain General but they were still pretty jumpy, going from 45 to 75, often putting numbers up in the 60's where they should be but I'm so used to the Equinox 800 and Vanquish that give me a constant repeatable 21/22 on these targets.  I can with high confidence find these gold coins with the Vanquish/Nox as they're such obvious easy targets with near rock solid ID's, the Manticore it's a crap shot if I've got one or not with how unstable the ID's are.   

So anyway, the Vanquish easily found a few gold coins (not real gold) for me with very accurate Target ID's but if I was trying to cherry pick the same coins with the Manticore it would be a real gable as to if I had a coin $1 or $2 or not.  The CTX of course slams on them and identifies them with near perfection.

So out of desperation I started trying gold modes and beach modes and everything just trying to clear up the ID's a bit and to my surprise the beach modes fixed them right up, to the point I was excited, they were giving me really stable ID's, almost as good as the Nox 800 with a 3-4 number range rather than a 1-2 number range the Nox typically gives me.  The Nox bounces 21/22 and the Mantcore was just bouncing in the low 60's from 61 to 64 mostly with the odd blip outside of that.

So it looks like I'm going to have to use beach modes in parks if this continues.  I have no idea why this would be the case, it was awesome in beach mode, I could drop the sensitivity right down to 14 to eliminate all EMI and still accurately identify a coin at about 20cm deep (the deepest coin find today), I could have even gone lower on the sensitivity I'm sure I stopped at 14 as all EMI was long gone, it started to be completely gone at 20 but I was just seeing how low I could go, excitement got the better of me and I didn't keep lowering the sensitivity down as I just wanted to dig the coin at that point to verify it was a $2 coin, and it was.

The other thing, in beach mode I didn't even try ground balance, I left it at 0, in the All Terrain general mode I tried with and without ground balancing, using factory resets to start all over again as I was desperately experimenting to try clear up the ID's.

So, why would this be the case? Why is beach mode so much better with Target ID's?   Has anyone else experimented with beach mode in a grassy field type setting and seen similar?

I will try find more coins soon and do some filming showing what I'm talking about, I left my phone at home today.


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I'm not sure phrunt. I'm thinking maybe the park soil there has some conductive properties that are similar to wet salt water sand or dry beach sand.

I know that NASA Tom says do NOT ground balance on DRY beach sand because it is like silica (glass). He says put it on "0" like you did and turn GB tracking off. This is if you are sure their isn't wet sand underneath within the detector's depth range.

It does seem like an odd scenario that you would have to use beach mode to calm ID's in a park.

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I'm not a Manticore owner, but are the Beach modes less sensitive like with the 800? If so, are you penalizing yourself on depth by running in Beach modes for park hunting? Odd situation for sure.

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I will find a coin and film what I'm seeing today.  It's very weird, I am likely hindering myself but it sure clears up the unstable Target ID's and makes them more in line with the Nox with stability.

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9 hours ago, TampaBayBrad said:

I'm not sure phrunt. I'm thinking maybe the park soil there has some conductive properties that are similar to wet salt water sand or dry beach sand.

This is the most mild soil around, it's as far inland as you can get in the country, salt content would not be a problem and it's not a problem for any other detector, even single frequency detectors are giving far more stable Id's than the Manticore in anything other than beach mode, it's  very odd, I hope I don't have a faulty Manticore.

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I had a good feeling you would not like the jumpy ids on the M-core being used to the rock solid ids on the ctx....the new Nox is doing the same jumpy ids as well....doubting your unit is defective. I’ll try using beach mode next time out. 


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1 hour ago, strick said:

I had a good feeling you would not like the jumpy ids on the M-core being used to the rock solid ids on the ctx....the new Nox is doing the same jumpy ids as well....doubting your unit is defective. I’ll try using beach mode next time out. 


I must admit as much as I want the Manticore to shine I am very wary of it now after hearing from owners. The jumpy Tid's I know I would not like, falseing I think that's just a learning curve we have to go through, I've not read one user review on any site yet or watched any valid you tube video that makes me lust after getting one, I know its early days, I also think that once users get used to the tones the 2d TT will mostly be ignored in most instances. How do you now find the TT after having used it now for a while ? If I do upgrade from my 800 the 900 seems to get my interest. Do people think that Minelab will stabilise the jumpy Tid's with a future update ?

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1 hour ago, Chesroy said:

I must admit as much as I want the Manticore to shine I am very wary of it now after hearing from owners. The jumpy Tid's I know I would not like, falseing I think that's just a learning curve we have to go through, I've not read one user review on any site yet or watched any valid you tube video that makes me lust after getting one, I know its early days, I also think that once users get used to the tones the 2d TT will mostly be ignored in most instances. How do you now find the TT after having used it now for a while ? If I do upgrade from my 800 the 900 seems to get my interest. Do people think that Minelab will stabilise the jumpy Tid's with a future update ?

I look at the TT on every target...It takes no more time to do that then to look at the VID...I don't sit there and study it. I have lots of trash and I find it very helpful along with the way the target sounds to choose to not dig or dig. If you want solid numbers stick with the 800, Ctx or deus 2... All detectors will lie to you. The 800 is one of my favorite detectors. My M-Core will sometimes jump 3-4 digits on deep targets, shallow targets are mostly solid in 1-2 range. I was digging some very deep targets at the beaches  that were solid ID 1-2 points. It really depends on the type of ground, the amount of EMI and target orientation. It's not like it's this way or that way. I pay very close attention any time numbers are solid with the manticore or any detector for that matter. For your last question...does anyone know what Minelab is going to do but Minelab? ?


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Sounds like The Manticore is just operating at a much higher resolution of the targets signal that what has been seen before. As in it is able to measure & report very small variations of a target.  I personally wouldn't want a detector to lock on to 1 or even 2 numbers if the target was alloyed, corroded or co located. The TID spread is useful information too as long as it is understood.  Repeated passes should also process down the target & narrow any spread.

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For some reason this sounds like, and I hate to even bring this up, what Calabash found with The Legend.  Didn't he discover (or one of his pals) that Beach mode on The Legend worked better inland than Park mode?  Perhaps this has something to do with the way the various frequencies are balanced in the different modes?

While I don't have a Manticore, several of my friends have bought them and their results mirror others posting here in that the TID #'s are not stable inland.  However, on our S. CA beaches everyone likes its performance thus far though the machine of choice remains the Deus II.  I would say that out of every ten hunters I see a the beach, 7/10 are swinging Deus II's, 1 or 2 Equinoxes and then you will still find a random PI or Fisher guy or a Manticore.  This may be due to the fact that the Manticores are still shipping.  Of my three friends who bought Manticores, 2 switched back to the Deus II and the other is trying different settings like Phrunt.  

One last thing, my buddies all like the Manticore screen but none of them feel that the 2D screen is of much use thus far. 

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