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Minelab Responds To Critical You-tuber


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I tried watching one of dude's videos before I was able to get my Manticore and I couldn't finish it, despite trying to soak up what I could about the detector. He annoyed the crap out of me. I saw the ones titled above and just kept on scrolling.  You can tell he definitely likes hearing himself talk.

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11 hours ago, phrunt said:

The 50% more power to the coil is the new obsolete single frequency metal detectors statement.   It's done as a headline grabber, pure marketing and it worked, everyone's talking about it.

They're different in the way the Equinox did cause a bit of a stir and in fact other manufacturers must agree as anyone capable of making a multi frequency machine now has, they knew they had to if they wanted to stay in the game.

I wonder if Nokta and possibly others follow with their next detectors claiming 60% more power to the coil.

While not a bogus claim, it really doesn't mean much by the looks of it in overall performance, it certainly isn't increasing small target sensitivity such as gold nuggets, 2-3 cm extra depth on a 30cm target? Almost immeasurable in the real world.

Minelab responded as his videos with a lot of followers were possibly damaging to sales of a new detector that they desperately need to sell a lot of, sales have been a bit slow for them lately, according to their shareholder announcements.

For those that don't visit Friendly Forum (nice new server and host by the way), this post by Carl Moreland covers most of the 50% question really well. Thanks Carl.


"I'm sure what Mark is doing is using lay-terms that people can relate to. Anyone who's ever watched Tim "the Toolman" Taylor knows what More Power means. But Tim never discussed what more ampere-turns means, or more B-field strength.

I suspect what Mark really means is that Manticore has a 50% stronger TX B-field. This can be achieved with 50% more coil current or 50% more turns in the TX coil, or some combination. In a detector with user control over the TX current (like the White's V3) you can decisively demonstrate what this does for target detection. It ain't a whole lot, but like the old man who pee'd in the sea said, every little bit helps.

From a strictly technical view, metal detector transmit "power" makes no sense because, in most designs, the power is mostly recycled. Including MF designs. That is, you can have 500mA of coil current but the TX circuit only consumes 25mA. Unlike RF antennae the detector coil does not emit RF power, it only produces a local magnetic field. However, real power is consumed by target eddy currents, but it's not much. This is why it also makes no sense to talk about FCC power limits on detectors. They don't really emit power."


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I'm only going to throw in on this topic to point out a common flaw in most, if not all detecting videos that we see on YouTube.  They are made by amateur wannbe entertainers/filmmakers.  I've worked in the the entertainment industry in post production on television series and feature films for over 40 years.  This is why editors, producers, directors and on camera talent exist.  They are required to turn out a professional quality product.  YouTube and the GoPro have opened up what was pretty much a closed shop to the talent-less, the loudmouths, the idiots by providing them easy access to a place to show their content.  Now they think they are either Spielbergs or Johnny Carsons when in fact most of them aren't anything but bad. 

I continue to sample detecting videos to give people a look because there is always the chance of finding a gem.  But in terms of the individual-hosted diatribe fests that we see now, I have no interest.  I would recommend to all of you folks to ignore them.  If you want to watch a good show on YouTube that is simply about having fun metal detecting try the Hoover Boys.  Or the Gigmaster. 


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24 minutes ago, Jeff McClendon said:

I suspect what Mark really means is that Manticore has a 50% stronger TX B-field. This can be achieved with 50% more coil current or 50% more turns in the TX coil, or some combination. In a detector with user control over the TX current (like the White's V3) you can decisively demonstrate what this does for target detection. It ain't a whole lot, but like the old man who pee'd in the sea said, every little bit helps.

I think you're right there Jeff, X-coils told me they can make coils so crazy sensitive for the GPZ but with that comes worse ground handling, it's a balance between ground handling and sensitivity.  They did however make me a one off black 12x8" coil when all their retail coils are white, this black coil was made for NZ conditions (milder soils) and is hotter than one they could retail but won't work as well in hotter soils, it works very well for me and handles any ground I've thrown at it here though.

The Manticore uses different coils to the Nox so I guess something is going on inside its coils.

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At first I thought he might be getting to the guts of this 50% more power claim, but my take is that even with the help Merrill has--he's in over his head in that this idea of power to the coil relating singularly  to depth is an outdated  one.  The ground forms part of the signal and is separated  by way of processing.   That (power = depth) is not even true of a pulse, as Bill Lahr has repeatedly told me.   With Multi  IQ we have a tech that (by way of sophisticated processing) locks the  ground and iron signal away from the detection signal.  This is a feat of  the amount of power going to the processer.  So with this increase there are many other benefits anyhow--most important of which is the machine separating non--ferrous objects from the ground better.  This  is what a pulse does and the difference is incredible--on deep or shallow targets--they come out of (VLF) "nowhere."  As well, the saturation that multiple frequences provide needs  to be sorted out.  This also falls to the sophistication and power of the processer being used.  The CTX is  still deeper than the EQX with or without Multi IQ--because it has that big heavy processor chugging away. 

I'm really liking the look and tech of  this detector and won't be listening to any half-baked attempts to run it down.  


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Watched a few minutes of his first video, was too painful. Tried a couple of his other vids... merciful feck it was painful. 

Skipped about his second one, explaining the first one..like a joke, if you have to explain it..  That Uncle Fester looking dude is just another "content creator",  Repeating over and over how many videos he put out before he finally got a viral one, shows exactly where his priorities are. 

He's a teacher?? oh, we're screwed.  FCC has limits, yes, and he thought, what, how those limits are processed are all the same, no difference in a 200 or a 2000 detector? That he couldn't grasp the very mechanics of a metal detector and how that particular machine process the blob of EMI its dumping is quite disturbing really... a teacher? 

Once again, you could hand me a Stradivarius and it would still sound like a cat getting strangled. Not the tool, the user. 


I still have an 800(probably 1200 hours) , the Manti, and my CTX (maybe 400/450 hours)... the ctx rules, its too heavy, otherwise, i'd never have bought the Manti. The manti is twice the machine the 800 is, they should have called it the 1600. HA!  That ID line, how it processes, the ability to screw with the various settings...its a poor mans CTX and lighter!  

just my .02 zinc worth, Minelab screwed all the 800 users... I see folks selling them as low as 550 frantic to get the 900 or the Manti. Imagine the dump we'll see when they finally come out with the CTX4040 or whatever..maybe they'll give it a silly name instead of numerical designation so its easier to rationalize the purchase. ...maybe... The Phantosmia! ?

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More power NOT a lie! Counter video to Mine Lab lied! video.

New video by I DIG DAYTONA shows him testing the signal strength/magnetic field output of the Equinox 800 and Manticore with a milligauss meter. (spoiler alert....Manticore wins)


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1 hour ago, TampaBayBrad said:

New video by I DIG DAYTONA shows him testing the signal strength/magnetic field output of the Equinox 800 and Manticore with a milligauss meter.

That measurment starts at 5:30 on the vid with the Manticore and switches over to the Equinox around 8:30.

OK, but if you know me you know I can't let this rest here, so first I looked up the earth's magnetic field, which is between 440 mG and 480 mG in Florida (where I assume this test was made).  That's a static field, though, so not what he's measuring.  (Note the values on his scale.)  OK, it's for measuring dnynamic fields.  Next I Googled the device he's using and found this at Amazon:


Note Amazon's title!!!!!  :laugh:  Randi's dead but I think Carl ( @Geotech) can take it from here.

Next I look up the manufacturer's website.  I'm sure Simon will be impressed with the site's professional look ?.  According to them the device is intended to look for (or confirm not present) unsafe levels of certain ranges of electromagnetic radiation in, for example, the home.  The manual states the measurement includes the range 1 kHz to 20 kHz but then calls that VLF.  Well, I guess they're as sloppy with terminology as we are.

Electromagnetic Radiation is composed of alternating electric and magnetic fields.  In their instruction manual (.pdf on the website) it points out that they are measuring the magetic component of the EM radiation, thus at least the units (milliGauss) are correct.

So, how sensitive is the measurement in the video?  When I do a standard air test I have the ruler a lot closer to the coil than he does, and I stand so that I can see down the line of motion of the coin when I'm swinging the coin.  He may be doing that for his air test (I didn't watch the rest of the video) but it doesn't appear he's doing so when measuring the position of the gaussmeter when he's watching & videoing the lights on it to determine field strength vs. distance.

I like the approach but not the execution.  It's the standard "I'm getting the answer I want to get" without the needed skepticism of "what's the uncertainty in this measurement?"  Further, what's the orientation of the device that gives an accurate reading?  I looked at the instructions (.pdf on their website) and it says to point the device at the source and rotate to find the max value.  I think there are three degrees of rotation, which one?  Not the best instruction manual I've seen, nor the best measurement technique, either.


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