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Here Is What I Told A "nosey Karen"

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3 hours ago, George Kinsey said:

Karen: Your disturbing the peace. What gives you the right to dig here? What do you think you will find?

Tex: Worms

Karen: Worms?

Tex: "Disturbed" worms with a metal plate in their Head!

KMA Karen.

You should have whipped out your trusty old DEEPSEEKER George and asked the old biddy if she would like to give it a go? GARRETT that is.                                                                                                                                  10E51410-F959-4212-B8BF-B4132071D601.jpeg.904556b41c3abb8a57ef427500b37366.jpeg

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Last year I went to a campground I had detected the year before, I had called the office and they said "yes you can detect this year too".

I was out there digging away, and saw this woman with her dog watching me from behind trees, and walking through where I detected shaking her head. I knew what was coming. ?

Next morning I was in another part of the park, and a staff member rolled up on me like SWAT, and told me the "new" park manager didn't want me to detect there, despite my previous permission.

No problem, I jumped in my golf cart and rode up to the main office, met "Angie", the new manager. I talked to her for a while, and she said she got a complaint that I was leaving holes that someone's dog could get hurt in.

I showed her my expensive digging gear, said with a smile: "believe me, if you can find a single hole I dug, I'll take you to dinner on me, anywhere you choose". "And by the way, I just dug 5 live rounds of Remington 35 (BAR ammo) next to one of your fire pits. It was only a couple inches deep, imagine if they moved it?" Her eyes widened, and she smiled and said, "You can search the entire camp if you want, just not in occupied campsites. I just go with complaints, but thanks for asking again!" ?

The campground was built on an old hunting camp, it had firing ranges. I've dug more than a pocketful of live ammo there.  ? 9mm, 45, and long gun.

Moral: if you detect campgrounds, talk to the manager every year, don't just assume you can do it again. At another the General Manager stopped me, and I told him pretty much the same (no ammo), and that his assistant told me it was ok two years in a row. He thanked me for cleaning the place up, and let me go on my way. The next day I found a gold ring. ?

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32 minutes ago, Daniel Tn said:


When I am detecting in public and on public ground, I wear a bright florescent safety vest.  Don't ask me why...but for some reason this seems to satisfy the Karens and Kens that you must be a worker.  I used to have some approach me and or call the police on me for detecting a park that has a popular walking sidewalk route on it.  The Karen walkers would see me and not like me there.  Once I started wearing the vest, I never had another issue.  


Near the end of last summer, I started to wear a worker's safety vest, and now I almost always wear it. Not just because of the busy bodies, but for sites like this:

A park dating back to the late 1800's that has had constant events including sport's events and fairs. Unfortunately, the park is full of addicts but does have two security guards there from dawn to dusk, 7 days a week. It's not exactly safe to go in that park during the day, and life threatening to go in there at night.

Anyway, I really wanted to hunt that park, but always avoided it because of the danger. Then I thought of using the vest, did so, and it was awesome! The finds were excellent (including surface finds), never did an addict come close to me, and the security guards just gave me a wave as they passed by. I ended up talking to the security guards, and they thought I was some sort of city worker looking for water pipes or sprinklers ? I told them what I was doing, and all they did was wish me luck. 

EDIT: I forgot to add the most important part lol. That is, the security guards told me the addicts won't go near me as long as I wear the vest. Yep, that was my plan ?

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My buddies and I were detecting an old park, when a police car roared up to us and the officer started reading us the riot act about damaging the grass (although he couldn't see any evidence of it, as we were very careful). When we pointed that out to him that we didn't do any damage since he couldn't even tell where we had been, he calmed down a bit and explained that he had to respond to a complaint. We then asked if we could also file a complaint, seeing as he left 6" deep ruts in the grass from the tires on his police car. He grumbled a bit and drove away with a rather sheepish look on his face.

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