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Unable To Find Jewelry In House

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Come on Joe……you need to start hiding the gold in your tub of ice cream like everyone else does ?

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9 hours ago, PimentoUK said:

A small handheld metal detector may help locate it if you're sorting through boxes. Us detectorists use a device known as a 'pinpointer' or 'pinpoint probe'. They are essentially custom versions of electricians cable-finders / plumbers pipe-finders for finding nails / electric wires in a building.
If you own, or can borrow from friends/relatives a cable-finder, it may be of some use.
There are some cheap pinpointers available these days, look on eBay.
Alternatively, the 'Security Wand' type of metal detector, used by security guards to check for knives etc on people, can also be used, and there are some cheap versions of those available.

Thank you for the recommendation. I'll organize one of these devices.

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10 hours ago, jim tn said:

I would set down, close my eyes, clear my mind and think about what the last few things I did, and where, before leaving the house. Have you hid the stash before? And if so, where? Quickly placing it elsewhere perhaps isn't to far away from where you initially kept it, just hidden/covered better? Do you remember going to the basement or attic before leaving on vacation? Good luck, sounds like you need all you can get. HH jim tn

@jim tn Good idea but I tried already a lot of ways to remind. I thought it was in the basement but I'm not able to find it there. The house has three floors of about 500 square meters. This is the reason why I was thinking to organize any kind of detector. Another idea that came into my based on internet research was to find a doctor for hypnotics. Has anyone experienced such kind of methods?

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9 hours ago, Bedrocker said:

Are you sure someone didn't sneak into the house while you were gone and take your jewelry?  You told no one about the hidden stuff before you left?

I think the probability of this option is very little because there would be a lot of other things that, I guess a thief would take with him. Furthermore, in the house, we have a dog. No one was aware of the hidden jewelry. That's exactly my problem ?

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2 hours ago, Joe Beechnut OBN said:

I've hide things before going on vacation, and have come home not remembering. Best is not to panic, which will make your memory worse. I found by going on with my life things showed up.


One time I came home after a crazy 10 days away, I had hide some gold away that I normally would have taken to the safety deposit box, but I was running behind so me, I'll put it some where no one would think to look.

I get home and it hits me after a few days where did I hide the gold.. I looked every where and even cleaned house hoping to find it. At one point I swore someone had came in and taken it, ... but nothing else was missing so that could not have been it.  A few months passed, and it showed up. I had hide about 2 ounces of gold in one of my winter gloves. that I had packed away.

Lesson Learned.

Another story. My Ex-wife calls me wanting to borrow a metal detector. She got married to a guy who lives in a big house, whom his wife had passed. Her new husband tells her there is a stach in the house of jewelry his older kids had hide. AS far as I know, they never found it and the detector never helped.

Hi @Joe Beechnut OBN thank you for your story. I think in my case, it's a similar story. I have hidden it somewhere else very quickly because I was in a hurry. In the "classic" places I was not aware to find it. If there is no device available, I think I need to start with a very systematic approach and check room by room. This will take ages ?

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My grandmother used to be a hypnotist, and was able to help a lot of people remember where they had placed some items.

That is the only suggestion that I have and it does work if you want it to.

Good luck.

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1 hour ago, Valens Legacy said:

My grandmother used to be a hypnotist, and was able to help a lot of people remember where they had placed some items.

That is the only suggestion that I have and it does work if you want it to.

Good luck.

Now that is a way to go. Another way is use the reverse method, that is were would you not think to look for it. I would say you have a chance of finding it as the size of your cache limits the location that you would chose to place it.   BEST OF LUCK.    

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It's easy, just go back to the first place you looked for it, it will be there somewhere. Also if like me you have domestic blindness sometimes you need to look twice to see it. Last week I lost my oil filter wrench, it was in the first place I looked for it, but I had to look three times !

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