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Introducing The Minelab Profind 40

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If anyone buys a Pro-Find 40 it would be good to hear a bit of a review on it from someone other than a marketer like the detect-spurts,  especially from an owner of a 35.  I can't bring myself to buy one but I do like a good pinpointer and a Pro-Find 40 would be quite good if all the problems of the 35 were ironed out. 


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Just learned about this pin pointer and I'm intrigued...but then again any new pin pointer from a major metal detecting company catches my attention.

Based on the few videos I've seen and the Minelab website, here's my too-early conclusion about the Pro Find 40:

Compared to the Pro Find 35, this will be an improvement in terms of detection depth capability. At the very least, I imagine it will have the same sensitivity as the Pro Find 35, but will enjoy less intereference or glitching. It will also have better ratcheting or closing range, compared to the 35, too.

Compared to the XP Mi-5/6 and the Fisher F-Pulse (old version, at least), it won't be a significant improvement, but might have some nuances that make it preferable to some users from a personal-use stand point.

Finally, I'm surprised it's still using a 9V battery. My reading between the lines says this MIGHT be an indication that Minelab is either cutting corners out of laziness or simply didn't prioritize this pin pointer's development and that the Pro Find 40 is really a red version of the Pro Find 35.

All I know is that I'll stick with my F-Pulse for now. Maybe if I win a Pro Find 40 in a raffle or something I can do a direct comparision using my hunting styles and locations (like I did with the Garret Carrot and White's TRX...both of which handily lost out to my F-Pulse).

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On 23.07.2023 at 16:51, strick said:

Единственный вариант, который я бы рассматривал для пинпоинтера от Minelab, это если бы они полностью переработали его. Вы должны быть в состоянии дотянуться до пинпоинтера и схватить его, не возясь с поиском кнопки, чтобы включить его... другими словами, не отрывая взгляда от местоположения цели... вроде как с пистолетом если ты собираешься стрелять в плохого парня, ты уже знаешь, где курок... посмотри, как это делает этот парень! 



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@pavelka72 Did you make an entire ad just in response to Strick's Clint Eastwood video or was that a happy coincidence? ? I guess the snow means it was made some time ago. Nice work either way...

Curious if Simon got his yet. I can't remember which thread was the relevant one to post about this in, so posting here. 

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1 hour ago, jasong said:

@pavelka72 Did you make an entire ad just in response to Strick's Clint Eastwood video or was that a happy coincidence? ? I guess the snow means it was made some time ago. Nice work either way...

Curious if Simon got his yet. I can't remember which thread was the relevant one to post about this in, so posting here. 

Yes, I now have mine

It was a pretty funny little marketing video for the pinpointer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone purchased a Pro-Find 40 yet? I'd really like to hear from a buyer what they think of it rather than promoters.  

It doesn't seem in very high demand, I can't find a person anywhere so far that's bought one.

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I’m trying to get one “bundled” with the Manticore…..offering a “free” Pro-Find 35 as part of the current promotion here in Australia. With the Aussie “peso” dropping like crazy, I can’t see myself buying anything from overseas for a while. 

FYI…..I currently have no pin-pointer whatsoever. Waiting for Simons reaction on that ?

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Can someone enlighten me on why there is no love for the humble 9v battery. The physical form factor relative to 6 x 1.5 AA batteries is surely an advantage. I can get a 4 pack of Duracell 9v for a reasonable price. Is it a short run for the 9v?

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24 minutes ago, Tony said:

Can someone enlighten me on why there is no love for the humble 9v battery. The physical form factor relative to 6 x 1.5 AA batteries is surely an advantage. I can get a 4 pack of Duracell 9v for a reasonable price. Is it a short run for the 9v?

One side of my face went floppy when you said you have no pinpointer, I felt physically ill and gagged a few times trying to hold it in.

I think people prefer the convenience of the USB charging.  I'm not overly bothered by it at all, and in a way it's good as your pinpointer can easily get a new battery when required, built in batteries can end the life of the product if the battery goes and there are no replacements at the time.  

The modern batteries used in these pinpointers are fine though, last for many years, often more than 5 with no sign of degradation.  

The 9v can be good if you get the right one, I highly recommend PowerEX 9.6 or 9.2 volt rerechargeable iMH batteries for 9v applications.  they have a good solid long life in use and last for many years.   They're often at Photography shops as they are great for camera flashes, microphones and other photography gear that has high power demands.

Maha Powerex Precharged 9V 9.6V 230mAh rechargeable battery | Protog

Higher voltage True 9.6V Rechargeable NiMH Batteries provide longer runtime in most devices

Get more out of your devices! Powerex 9V batteries have 9.6V true voltage, rather than 8.4V found in many other rechargeable batteries. Compare Powerex 9V batteries with many other 9V batteries and you will see that they really are in a class of their own.

Why do 9.6V batteries last longer?

The Powerex 9.6V batteries are designed specifically for devices which need the full 9V to operate. The nominal voltage is 9.6V, whereas most other rechargeable 9V batteries have a nominal voltage of 8.4V. When the Powerex 9.6V is fully charged, the voltage will be around 11.5V, just as your 12V car battery will be around 14.4V when fully charged, and about 7.6V when fully discharged. Due to the non-linear voltage discharge curve of NiMH batteries, the device can access around 90% of the Powerex battery capacity before the voltage drops below 9V. See the chart below:

9.6V NiMH battery self-discharge curve


  • True 9.6V 230mAh rating, with Precharged low self-discharge technology, retaining 85% of their charge for up to 1 year.
  • Actual Voltage is slightly higher than standard 9V Alkaline Batteries.
  • Will outperform a standard 9-volt battery due to the higher voltage. Will also outperform 8.4V rechargeables due to the higher voltage required by some devices.
  • Powerex 9.6V 9V batteries will operate microphones that other 9V batteries cannot power.
  • Fast charge capable and works well with the MH-C490F and MH-C1090F Powerex Charger
  • Enables microphones and paintball hoppers to last longer and work faster.
  • No memory effect allows for fast and efficient full charges. No conditioning necessary.

Chargeable up to 1000 times.


If you end up with a 40 I'd be interested in what you think of it, particually if it runs stable.

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13 minutes ago, phrunt said:

One side of my face went floppy when you said you have no pinpointer, I felt physically ill and gagged a few times trying to hold it in.

I was expecting a much worse reaction……Defibrillator and 000.

Thanks for all the info from your post….I hope to get a response from Reeds Prospecting if they want my business?

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