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Is Nobody Using A Profind 40?

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It seems odd to me that there are no reviews anywhere on the new ProFind 40 pinpointer, just the initial box openings and repeating the features. Surely someone has used one in the field and has an opinion they would like to share. Asking for a friend. ?

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It's probably because most here already bought the Quest discriminating pointer. Got the newer one myself and it seems better than the first version.

I'm still leaving the Quest at home for my beach trips, but might look at the 40 in the fall when I'm back relic hunting if it doesn't fit the bill. Right now the Deus 2 is giving me all the discrimination/identification I need, and the MI-6 makes retrieval a snap.

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I know I'm not interested in it unless it completely outperforms the Garrett carrot. Make it work while digging a water filled hole at the beach and I will buy two. Stability while detecting deeper, and wet salt water rejection are the only two things that interest me in any pinpointer. Otherwise Garrett has my business until something real comes along. With almost no videos on the Profind 40 to see it in action, I will assume it's marginally better than their previous ones. I don't count introduction or unboxing videos as evidence ?

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My PF35 actually worked fine until it finally died of a cracked case. It wasn't as deep as my other pinpointers, but it was the most sensitive to tiny metal targets by a noticeable margin. I wonder if the number associated with the PFs means the frequency employed. If the PF35 was operating at 35 kHz, that would explain why it was so sensitive to tiny gold. And would that also imply that the new PF40 may be operating at 40 kHz? ?

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1 hour ago, CPT_GhostLight said:

if the PF35 was operating at 35 kHz, that would explain why it was so sensitive to tiny gold. And would that also imply that the new PF40 may be operating at 40 kHz? ?

I do believe the 35 runs at 13.5kHz, whereas most pinpointerrs run in the 12lHz range, even the Whites TRX and Sphinx 03 run at 12kHz and they truly are the most sensitive pinpointers.

Your TRX should be way more sensitive to small targets than your Pro-Find 35, and your XP-Mi6 should be similar to it.

It's great you had a reliable one, it gives hope they can do it with the 40 as I really think if they have slightly boosted its sensitivity and made it better quality/more reliable and fixed its stability issues it will be a good pinpointer.

I'm certainly not against buying one, i just don't want to be the Guinea pig on this one, I'll let someone else take the stress, anguish and suffering of buying a lemon to then do their report on it, rather than believe the detect-spurts videos.  I want real user results for evidence.

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My 35 works too and I use it as a digging tool. ? But honestly it only comes out on large oversized targets or deep hole targets.  The rest normally just get scrapped out and widdled down.

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I did a major equipment upgrade this summer. As part of that, I sold my Pro Find 35 and bought a 40. The PF 40 is more stable, has stronger audio and slightly more depth than the 35 that I had. The rapid retune feature works great and was a glaring omission on the 35. Also, you can now turn the sensitivity up to max and wave it around indoors without it going crazy. Long term durability remains to be seen, but then again, I didn’t have any issues with my 35.

The PF 40 is not a significant update over the 35. It’s very evolutionary NOT revolutionary. Much like the Equinox 800 evolving to the 900, Minelab addressed some shortcomings and refined things a bit.

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