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Metorites Last Night

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I have a question about something that happened to me last night/early morning.

It was around 3:30am when I went out for a smoke and heard a loud roar in the sky, as I turned to see what it was, there was a bright white light traveling from the North East towards the South West. The object looked to be about 500 to 600 feet in the sky on a downward slope. I have never heard anything like it before and would like to know if someone else here has ever heard something like this before. I could hear no impact and I could tell that the light was getting brighter the closer to the ground sa it passed over me. The whole time seeing this was no more than 3-4 seconds, but the sound I don't think I will ever forget.

Any replies would be greatly appreciated to see if anyone else has ever had this happen to them.

Thank you, Caleb

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When I was a kid we were swimming in my buddy's backyard pool, we heard a very loud strange whoosh sound, and saw a greenish white streak in the sky in a downward trajectory. It was a very unique sound that I still remember. This was in the daytime.

It was a meteorite, later confirmed. ?

What must really be memorable is when they explode, that would be a bigger one. ?

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Like 350Platinum, when I was a kid my friend and I were riding our bikes in late afternoon when we heard and saw a huge meteor with a multi-colored tail flying across the sky. There was a crackling sound as it flew by. We couldn't tell how high it was but it appeared to us that it went over a hill a few miles away, we thought it landed there. We rode our bikes miles to try and find it but didn't. This was during my summer vacation from school, found out when I went back to school in the Weekly Reader that the meteorite landed 500 miles away from where we were.  

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What a cool sighting, especially if you heard it!  I think their distances can be deceiving though, it was probably very high up and looked like it was falling locally but was merely following the curvature of the Earth as it fell while still traveling away from you.  If we had a flat Earth that effect wouldn’t be so dramatic!  

Go to this website site to track it and to see if it was close though - if pieces of it landed near where you live there will be a lot of competition to find it if you don’t go soon - if not already!



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Bolide brother! that's awesome you are a lucky guy to see such a thing. Hope you are able to get a chance to hunt for some fragments, if you can. 

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5 hours ago, Valens Legacy said:

It was around 3:30am when I went out for a smoke and heard a loud roar in the sky, as I turned to see what it was, there was a bright white light traveling from the North East towards the South West.

You didn't give your location.  Back in Illinois?

Here's another website which tracks bright meteors (Fireballs):  https://fireball.imo.net/members/imo_view/browse_events

Last Thursday early (predawn) was the max of the annual Geminid shower which is typically one of the two best in terms of number of meteors per hour.  However, not all meteors are associated with showers so yours wasn't necessarily related.  We luckily had a couple days of clear skies (and moonless nights!) here in Southern Indiana bracketing the peak.  I was out for about 1.25 hours Thursday evening and saw a dozen or so in that time, but not fireballs.  (Lucky you!)

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14 hours ago, GB_Amateur said:

You didn't give your location.

Yes I am back home in Illinois, about 50 miles south of Springfield.

20 hours ago, F350Platinum said:

we heard a very loud strange whoosh sound,

I will agree that the sound was strange.

15 hours ago, GotAU? said:

I think their distances can be deceiving though, it was probably very high up and looked like it was falling locally but was merely following the curvature of the Earth as it fell while still traveling away from you.

Well it did hit within a close distance to me, less than 3 miles to be exact. It went through a barn and landed in a field intact.

15 hours ago, Hardtimehermit said:

Hope you are able to get a chance to hunt for some fragments, if you can. 

I found out the farmer who owns the property that it landed on is going to keep it, and I have asked if I could see if there are any more pieces of it in the area.

A local farmer found the rock when he went out to his wood barn and noticed a hole going through his roof.

He later found another hole in the ground almost 2 foot deep and uncovered the meteorite.

I looked at the rock and it had a hole in it about the size of a pencil all the way through it. It weighed around 11 pounds according to the farmer and it is some what smooth on one side.

I am hoping to be able to get a picture of it so everyone can see it.

Thanks for all the responses.

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2 hours ago, Valens Legacy said:

Yes I am back home in Illinois, about 50 miles south of Springfield.

I will agree that the sound was strange.

Well it did hit within a close distance to me, less than 3 miles to be exact. It went through a barn and landed in a field intact.

I found out the farmer who owns the property that it landed on is going to keep it, and I have asked if I could see if there are any more pieces of it in the area.

A local farmer found the rock when he went out to his wood barn and noticed a hole going through his roof.

He later found another hole in the ground almost 2 foot deep and uncovered the meteorite.

I looked at the rock and it had a hole in it about the size of a pencil all the way through it. It weighed around 11 pounds according to the farmer and it is some what smooth on one side.

I am hoping to be able to get a picture of it so everyone can see it.

Thanks for all the responses.


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