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Quote Of The Day!

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Found  this on a geo's website earlier   ......thought I'd share......

 "Quid non mortalia pectora cogis, auri sacra fames!" :blink:

 What dost thou not compel mortals to do, accursed thirst for gold!


.Post Any Good prospecting or mining Quotes you might know as well?

temp guage says 0 in the kitchen window...brrrrrrrrrrrrrr from central Idaho 

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Probably the one quote, we all know but is always relevant.

"Tis where Tis."

and an Irish one that holds a lot of truth but is funny.

"Never leave a shaft til you`ve dug another foot."

That would be 1deg F, bloody cold, have never experienced, is 36deg C or close enough to 100 deg F here in NQ OZ house at 6.30PM

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Norvic   -i'd love to live in Oz........crazy reptiles, birds, awesome fishing in fresh water ,Giant gold, and Cool as can be miners and prospectors! I Love the Heat too! Much more than 5ft of snow in the yard    :cool:

We Got Quotes and now  how about some terms.....history.......Learn something New Today! (see below)

  The term gold is said by the scholars to come from the Sanskrit jvalita derived from jval, to shine. Our word gold derives from the Anglo-Saxon, gold, a word apparently corrupted from the Teutonic, gulth; the glowing or shining metal.

The Latin term for gold, aurum, and the earlier Sabine ausum are said to be words of early Italian origin related to aurora meaning the glowing dawn. Another version has it that the Latin word, aurum, derives from the Hebrew (aor), meaning light. The Latin term is preserved in the chemical symbol for gold, Au, and in the terminology of its salts, aurous and auric.

Cheers all!


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"The iron hat sits atop the golden head."

And "dig everything". I think I've seen that one about 762 times since I started looking at these forums :laugh::laugh:

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Everyday you don't find it means you're one day closer to finding it.


You'll always find more gold in your dreams than in reality.

Difference between a novice and an experienced operator.

An experienced operator will hear the bits you walked away from.

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8 hours ago, Norvic said:

Probably the one quote, we all know but is always relevant.

"Tis where Tis."

and an Irish one that holds a lot of truth but is funny.

"Never leave a shaft til you`ve dug another foot."

That would be 1deg F, bloody cold, have never experienced, is 36deg C or close enough to 100 deg F here in NQ OZ house at 6.30PM

Still 32 at the moment and raining in CQ , unreal ?



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"Gold brings out the best in Mans ingenuity, the worst in his Nature"  another oldie but a gem or is that a nugget............

Watched a TV documentary many years back (Peachs Gold) it was claimed in this, that the deliberate adding of impurities to the gold coins (they were running out of gold) to pay the Mercenaries of the Roman Empire Era, was the key that brought down that Empire, which lead to the British Empires tradition of always having a "commoner" present to witness the purity when the first of a new gold coin series is struck.

Idahogold, I have never experienced snow, seen it on the mountain tops at a distance. With the heat in the part of OZ I live in comes the Monsoon rains that see us house bound for a couple of months each year, something I believe the snow does to you folks. What I believe you folks call Cabin Fever, we (NQ OZ) refer to as Mango Fever, tis the time of year the tropical fruit mango is harvested. The parrots arrive in there millions to get into the ripe fruit and you will see an odd one fall out of his tree and stagger around on the ground, because he has been feeding on a part fermented mango. Tis a funny sight.

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