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How And Why I Review Metal Detectors

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I have known Steve for a very long time. In that time I have not spent as much actual time with him as I would like to have. We both resided in Alaska, but with 400 miles between us. His knowledge and willingness to share it with others has always been his strong point.

He does have one annoying habit though, at least to me. He has this habit of coming along behind me by a few feet and finding nuggets I missed. :laugh:

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Wow that was a long one Steve, but I can entirely see where your coming from and I think you've now made a line in the sand for every one to clearly see. Integrity to me is everything and to be accused of being a paid stooge or to have it even intimated is an insult of the highest order.

In a lot of ways I'm a one detector company guy but that's entirely down to the areas I professionally detect requiring the use of equipment that only one company in the world so far has provided, so my writings on the internet and in magazine articles are very single brand oriented due to my specializing on that companies products. I suppose the difference is I do do this for a living in a country that has extreme mineralization but also plentiful supply's of gold or at least plentiful opportunities of finding good patches, thankfully the money I make from it definitely offsets the public negativity I sometimes experience (putting it mildly).

Steve you have integrity in spades, you write from the heart and you write from experience and passion, all good combinations to assist those people who are wanting to research a product without the marketing hype. I think the bulk of this forums readers never doubted you for a second.


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Hello JP,

My main motivation for the post actually came about from Nenad being questioned about if he worked for a Minelab and some comments how people should disclose such things if true. I have seen a couple comments about my working for Minelab. Which I do not, any more than I work for Garrett or Fisher or White's. So I just wanted to lay it out and create a statement that I can link to at the end of any reviews I do in the future.

Your association with Minelab is only natural and makes sense. You use what works, and what works where you are is Minelab. Pretty simple. All I know is that when I started reading your posts way back when I knew immediately that you were a person to pay attention to. You know the gear like nobody else and did a lot to teach me and others by answering questions clearly and in depth. I therefore tend to get irritated when people give you grief because running people like you off hurts us all.

If I only prospected and were half as serious as you the fact is I would probably only have a GPX and use it exclusively. But I enjoy dabbling in everything and part of the fun for me is using just about everything that comes along. The people that do not understand why you have used almost nothing but Minelabs for years just really do not know much about the realities of prospecting for gold in Australia and doing it with serious intent. As much as I might wish for the U.S. manufacturers to be at the forefront in that regard the fact is Minelab has had the run of the table for many years now.

I and others appreciate what you do JP and hopefully we will see more posts from you here in the future when you are able to have the time. Thanks for your comments!

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  • 3 weeks later...

It is unfortunate that you don't review detectors anymore and understandably why since it has become toxic to voice any observation or opinion on anything these days without offending someone. It is rare to actually find unbiased information on anything as info is often swayed or has some bias to it. Seems like NoobTube videos are cluttered with apples to oranges comparisons.

Though I try to be mindful when I post as not to cause anyone from raging out in some sort of fit I try to call things out as I see them and not afraid to be stand corrected. Hopefully you change your mind or at least point out what you see.

For the short time I have been on this forum I found your information and comments invaluable and has certainly helped me in my purchases leaving me with no regrets. 

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I am always happy to offer help and advice and will continue to make sure no questions on this forum go unanswered. I enjoy helping people. I will continue to get cutting edge models and use them. No doubt I will have an opinion on them I might share. I just don’t feel like putting a target on my back any more. :smile:

I may do direct development work with companies in the future but if I do I will basically recuse myself from commenting on those models.

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I'm really sorry you had to endure that garbage.  You are a great guy -- and it's really sad that some seem to enjoy slandering and taking pot shots at others, about whom they know very little, if anything.

Thanks for what you do, and for making this forum available for us.


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