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Video Seminar - How To Metal Detect For Gold

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I've known Bill and Kevin for a few years now and have a couple of stories about each of them.  One I will share is about Kevin when he was still working for Minelab.

We were at the Minelab sponsored National Detector Day up on the ranch in Southern California.  I had my 5000 with me.  He was telling a few of us how to use our detectors.  It was my first PI and I really couldn't 'understand' what to do with it that well so I kept 'quoting the manual' on what it said.

At one point Kevin asked me for the manual.  I gave it to him and he took it and threw it across the tent!  It almost ripped apart.  He said 'I helped test that machine and I know more than that manual on how you need to set it up and the little buzz (threshold) you need to hear.'  Of course he was right and every time I see him we have a laugh about that first meeting.  Since that time I have listened to him at several GPAA shows and watched many of his Gold Trails videos.

I met Bill for the first time at an outing in Quartzsite and I've continued to listen to him and buy detectors from him over the years.  Their detecting seminar is always a good refresher course for me.


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Good info for any detecting you may want to do......

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Thanks for posting Steve very informative, showing lots of down to earth information commonly overlooked in the heat of the moment.

kevin mentioned towards the end of the presentation they were out of time to cover all points and was going to finish the presentation later that day. 

Is there any chance that second seminar is available for viewing ?

Cheers ozgold

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It is common for them to want people to come to the second seminar of the day or the second day of the gold show.  So they say something that will bring people back.  

Most of the time 80% of their presentation is the same.  If you ever happen to hunt with them or be out in the field then that is a place where you get individual information, stories and advice.

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On the second part - This was filmed at the Phoenix gold show several weeks ago.  They did do a question and answer session later that day but apparently that was  not filmed. The following week in Puyallup (Seattle area) Bill was not there so for grins I took Bill's place and Kevin and I did a similar presentation which was fun. It wasn't filmed, but probably covered more different materials just because the presenters were 50 percent different. At the Vegas gold show in a couple weeks Bill will be back and I will be doing a separate presentation on dry washing. 

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