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Thinking About Buying A Tesoro

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After reading on the topic of shallow sports field hunting/screwdriver popping , I decided to give it a try. With some practice it is doable, it will open up acres of park area I would have passed on if   I would have had to dig a plug. I am a little over a year into detecting and have been using a non manual gb Gold Bug, it serves me very well but after doing this shallow hunting I am thinking about getting a Tesoro. It is not a particular machine I want, it is that Clean Sweep coil. It really looks as though you can cover some ground. I am not looking for depth beyond what my Carrot will signal. I know there is no magic bullet, am I reading too much into this ?

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I have a Clean Sweep mounted on a Tesoro Golden uMax.  I got it last fall and have only had it out one time and it was a real eye opener!  I'm more of an old coin hunter but I do plan on doing some sport field hunting this summer for fresh drop Jewlery with it.       The amount of ground you can cover with one was somewhat shocking to me.  It worked very well and was easy to pinpoint with using the wiggle back method. 


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This is probably my favorite urban detecting method. I already have a DFX/Bigfoot and I still get tempted to get a Cleansweep/Tesoro combo - just because! I had a Silver umax with Cleansweep at one point, just a great little combo. Not saying the Silver is the one to go with but a Cleansweep on a Tesoro right now is a knockout combo at a killer price. I guess if it were me trying to replace my DFX/Bigfoot combo I would get a DeLeon/Cleansweep combo just because I sometimes cherry pick for gold by skipping zinc penny and higher targets and the DeLeon does that well.



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Both of these 925 pieces were less than 2 inches deep. I am enjoying this method and am no longer bringing a digging tool when I go, only the screwdriver. Now a question only a noob would ask. Because I am intentionally shallow hunting I have dialed back the power/gain to 35-40. I do not care about the depth but am wondering if the lower power affects the machines ability to ID the target accurately ?


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Great finds! Actually lower gain settings will generally result in less erratic target id numbers.

Which model Tesoro did you end up with?

Popping shallow targets is very enjoyable for me. By taking all the work out of it trash is not annoying at all - for me at least. And amazing the amount of good stuff found shallow, even coins.

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If I could find a 4-Pin Delta Cleansweep I'd get another Lobo ST.  


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I have been doing my due dilligence on Tesoros. I want the coil but am not excited about the detectors. The only machines that would do what I THINK I want are the DeLeon and Cortes, everything else seems to be single tone machines. With my Fisher I am going after good signals in the 46-58 range and everything above 82. This is where my good finds have been so it is my only point of reference. It looks as though the 2 display detectors are my only choice. I would love to have this type of coil available for my Fisher.

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4 hours ago, dsrtdwg1 said:

 I would love to have this type of coil available for my Fisher.

Or anything else for that matter! I have been beating that drum so long I think I have finally given up. I thought if I could convince anyone it would be Nokta/Makro but no go there so far either. A Cleansweep paired with a Racer 2 would be sweet!

Ask Mike about Tesoro and tones for an earful :biggrin:

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