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New Land Information Website

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There's a new site for research for us prospectors called Land Matters, it's Non-Profit Educational Organization website primarily for prospectors and other land users, this site was created by Brian Cole and Leigh Johnson, with much help from MinerDiggins Adventures, who many may know as Clay and Ruby, who have been for years been producing mapping and mining claims programs for prospectors.

 The site has been posted on other gold prospecting forums but I haven't seen it posted here, it's free to use, many many hours have been put into this site and more to come, there are many different maps and map layers (geology, land status, minerals, mining, topos, etc.), articles, resources, and a searchable library for 8 states at this time and more states are coming as requested by end users as well as the entire USA and other parts of the world, it takes a little time and work to add each state but several more states are in the works at the time I'm posting this and will be added in the order they have been requested by end users, if you have a request please request it at the website or I can relay it to them.

 As mentioned it a non-profit project created out of the passion of what we do and many, many hours have been put into it's creation which isn't finished by a long shot, but they do accept donations if you are so inclined.


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Wow! Land Matters sure has come a long way since these last posts.

As of today, just a little more than 5 months after launching, Land matters has had more than 1.3 million hits and served up more than 190 Gb of maps. files, videos and data. :D

Here's why Land Matters has become so popular so quick.

We now have Active BLM LR2000 mining claims maps for all the public land mining states. Those maps have a lot of information on each claim as well as direct live links to the BLM LR2000 serial page for each claim. The claims maps are now split into lode and placer claims for easier searching. Every claims map has land status and PLSS (Public Land Survey System) mapping available too.

We've also added the BLM and State claims mapping for Alaska. Those have additional information on each claim and boundary mapping as well as land status and PLSS mapping. As a bonus the Alaska claims maps also have an MTP (Master Title Plat) display layer.

You can now find and download any of the more than 265,000 current and historical topo maps on our new Topo Search Map. Just click the information button while zoomed in to your area of interest and then select from all the topo map versions for that area. A great historical research tool!

The Land Matters Library is growing by leaps and bounds too. We have recently added downloads for all 227 of the original Geologic Folios as well as 1,784 of the more recent Geologic Quads. You'll find everything there from the California MVUM (Motor Vehicle Use Maps) for the California Forests and the Gilpin County Colorado Mining District Records.

Don't pass by the Land Matters Tutorials section either. We are just getting started there but you will find tutorials and videos on how to determine land status including the LR2000 and the Master Title Plat systems.

Land Matters is just getting started. We've got 1,000s of documents to add to the Library and we have many many more interactive maps to add to the collection. Stay tuned there is a lot more to come!


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We've just updated the BLM LR2000 Claims maps. This update reflects the BLM claims status on February 16th, 2015.

We try to update this database about once a month. Please read the disclaimer. The BLM is not always accurate and never timely but these maps are still a good place to begin your research. You can look up the current status of any particular listed claim direct from the map interface and use the advanced search to find any combination of claim name, number or claimant right on the map.

We try to give the most accurate and useful information possible on Land Matters. The current BLM LR2000 is not noted for accuracy but it is the source of some interesting information. Below are three current interpretations of the claims numbers that might give you a little different insight into the nature of claims in the public lands mining states.






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All of the Land Matters BLM LR2000 Mining Claims Maps have been updated! Claims displayed are current as of March 18th 2015.

We built a completely new database for these claims maps over the last month. They will be much faster to display and query. The huge Nevada Claims map is now displaying more than 5 times faster. Thanks to Chris Ralph for the suggestion! Your mapping should be much faster now Chris. :)

We update these maps once a month. With some sponsorship we could do it daily. If any of the many exploration geologists that are using these maps are viewing here please Contact Land Matters and let us know what you would like to see in the future. We've heard from several of you and we know there is a need for more complete information. 

Land Matters was formed to provide easy access to land information. If you are already a user please tell us how we can do our job better.


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