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My Equinox " Coming Out " Statement

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A word that has grabbed my attention is Performance.

And why would you dump a CTX and keep an Equalizer 800,... please endure the petname. I can only speculate but here it goes.

CTX runs at 3 kHz and 25 kHz or something like that, because nobody is telling us the secret recipé. I can only accumulate knowledge read from reliable sources and my own experience. It either finds high conductors or it either finds small low conductors. But doesn’t really like that mid conductor range. Most serious tectorists have caught on to this and the CTX is often seen in the company of a Deus.

Then we’ve got the 15-ish detectors. Great relic hunters, love the mid conductors and people generally like them. Or they plain hate the things, more of a local dirt, targets kind of thing.

Enter the 800 and the word performance. Just imagine what it would be like if you were running a 5, 10, 15, 20, 40 kHz detector simultaneosly with decent performance. Not a perfectly tuned specialized unit but a Recon unit. And then you drop out of Multi into single with a tad more performance.

Targets recovered,... now lets get in the special unit with peak performance for the intended purpose.

It would certainly obsolete a lot of stuff. Just had to use the O-word didn’t I :-)


On 11/23/2017 at 7:59 AM, Steve Herschbach said:

I can’t answer questions on fine details of the efficiency of any one function until the code is baked. But yes, I have no problem cherry picking copper/silver targets. The reason I sold the CTX was not that the Equinox does better than the CTX, but because I could not find a compelling reason to keep the CTX once I had the Equinox in hand. I am not saying that a true CTX guru might not feel differently.


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18 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

I will honestly be grateful when these things get into more hands because more than most I am very curious to see what the consensus ends up being for other people.

And you'll get some help answering the unending list of questions that you've been peppered (barraged?) with.  :biggrin:

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If you don’t stop taking a blood oath with detector companies like Minelab you going to need a blood transfusion.

I’ve ask this before but can you or Minelab tell us the price of the coils for the Equinox?

If I could get my hands on one of the coils I guess I could put it on a broom handle.

I’m not going to leave you hanging asking the question why. Well then I could dream I got my Equinox.

Never has so many been waiting on a dream that has yet come true.


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I don’t know what coils cost but you did ask previously here. I bumped it up for more attention.

You are just going to have to relax Chuck. The more you work yourself up, the worse it will be. The best bet is to go metal detecting with what you have and stay busy to help the time pass. Minelab will only release info as they have it. They don’t tell me everything, and truthfully there are things they simply have not decided yet.

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I know you’re right Steve but I like what you call stir the pot a little.

I got a bad habit of not let a sleeping dog lie .

The Best to You!




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On 11/25/2017 at 6:39 AM, Steve Herschbach said:

More like a hard eye on non-disclosure agreements and what I am legally permitted to say. It never hurts to ask though :smile:

Hello Steve,

You opened a can of worms by saying you were part of the team who helped with the ML Equinox development.

Now everyone is bugging you, I feel sorry for you. And to everyone out there, please give Steve a break, he is just trying to help us. 

I know as soon Steve nows more, he will tell us what he knows!

PS Thanks again for your help Steve, and keep us posted.

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Nobody is bugging me and people don’t have to “give me a break” but thanks for the sentiment.:smile: My only issue ever has been people that think anyone that has industry connections must automatically be a liar not to be trusted. That presumption of guilt until proven innocent is offensive to me and I have stopped posting on forums where that attitude is allowed to fester unchecked.

The whole point of this forum was to set up a place where I could post early information about Equinox while avoiding the drama that seems to go along with that. Equinox is threatening quite a few financial interests and the many trolls appearing on Facebook and other forums are evidence of this. Don’t believe for two seconds that many of these people do not have agendas of their own. Discredit Equinox and discredit anyone speaking positively about it is job one for that crowd.

People here are just the opposite thankfully. I set this up as a “fan club” as a way of telling the trolls, skeptics and negative nellies to go elsewhere. You all are fun and I enjoy the discussion and questions. I am just sorry that so often the answer has to be “wait for that”! :sad:

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