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Some time ago I received a prototype version of one of my favorite detectors, the Fisher F75. I had an old story that needed telling and combined that with a mini-review of the prototype at http://www.detectorprospector.com/forum/topic/357-fisher-f75-strikes-gold-twice-in-a-row/


The new version offered more resistance to electrical interference, a new Fast mode for working trashy locations, and some additional audio options, also intended to help in places where ferrous trash is abundant. Fisher did what seemed like a good thing at the time and offered existing owners the opportunity to upgrade their detector at http://www.fisherlab.com/hobby/upgrade.htm


The Teknetics T2 immediately preceded the F75 and both are very similar detectors. A similar upgrade program exists for the T2 at http://www.tekneticst2.com/upgrade.htm


All well and good but First Texas (parent company of Fisher and Teknetics) was swamped with upgrade units, and now that they are in customer hands issues are coming to light. There is an issue where if you employ one of the new audio modes it causes some strange side effects in the pinpoint mode. Never saw that since I never use pinpoint. There are a couple reports about ground balance issues with large coils but the coils are aftermarket so that is doubtful. Biggest issue seems to be some perceived weakness in the all metal mode compared to units not upgraded, possibly related to the Digital Shielding never being fully disengaged. There are two modes available, one with the filter for electrical interference (Digital Shielding Technology, or DST) engaged, and one mode that was supposed to revert the machine back to original non-shielded mode. It appears however the filter is engaged at a basic level, and turning it off only really turns it down.


I had disposed of my previous F75 before getting the prototype and so could not compare to it, and the version I had only ran the single DST engaged mode, so no way to compare on and off or to an older version


A lot of the commentary is based on "seems like" and "I remember" so hard info is difficult to come by. I returned the prototype and was told I would be getting a factory production unit at a later date, but so far it has never arrived. That pretty much makes me a bystander to the whole thing.


If a person loved the all metal operation and electrical interference was not an issue, than holding off before an upgrade or just not doing it at all would be wise. The big question is what if you really, really want the new features that are being offered? In all honesty, being quick to get any First Texas new detector model or upgrade is really not a good idea if this sort of stuff will bother you. Issues on initial release has become the norm with them and revisions are very common. Rather than being first kid on the block, a couple month waiting period would be wise if you want to lower the odds of having a problem.


The reality is no matter how the pre-release testing is done, hundreds of users in the field with different coils, ground, targets, and operating practices almost always find something. That being the case the only real choice a person has is to be quick but be patient with issues, or just wait.


From my perspective nothing has changed. My old F75 was useless where I wanted to hunt and I sold it. The new version fixed the problem, and now I want one again. Due to everything I just said though I am in no hurry to get one as I am content to let the dust settle myself.

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Hi Steve, 

I personally love the new F75.   Mostly because I can actually use it now.  My EMI enviroment has just grown steadily worse since the introduction of both the T2 and the F75 that even though I participated in their development, I was rarely able to use them in stable environments and sold them both.


Late last year I had made one last try with a F75 LTD that was suposedly one of the EMI resistant ones, but it was totally unusable in my EMI environment and I quickly sold it and forever wrote the F75 off my list of potential high end detectors.


Then right after the F19 was released, 1st Texas sent me a F75 to get feedback about it and the very first thing I noticed was it was quiet.  I took it to one of the worst sites I have EMI wise, a place that even shuts down my Uniprobe headphone/probe combination.  And it worked there!  The other F75s never could.   I couldn't max it out there, but a setting of 80 calmed it right down.  And at the higher settings the EMI chatter wasn't "in your face" type chatter but more in the background.   I loved what they had done with the DST.   And the Fast mode.  And the audio pitch selected in AM carrying over into disc, and the iron audio selections.  I couldn't keep a smile off my face using it.  It was that type of experience.   


The FA fast mode was singing off on targets loud and clear that didn't even give a response in DE. By the way, FA has to be ran at max sensitivity with the 11" DD coil for it to do what it does. Nothing less than 90, but better at 99. 

Anyway, made my report, and returned it when asked to.  Then got suprised with a production model F75 LTD.  They had listened and made DST user selectable and I'm totally in love with it.  I said this before and I'll restate it again.   It is impossible to go wrong with the F75 LTD now.    I feel confident that the same can be said about the revised T2 LTD as well.  Its no longer a crap shoot if a F75 or T2 is going to work for you anymore.


Yes, it may have a slightly different feel now as compared to the previous revision.  No, its not perfectly quiet in all types of EMI environments. But it is so much better than it was.  The FA mode is the real deal, and all the feature changes are useful.


I also admire that 1st Texas was willing to get involved in a upgrade project.   They listened to their customer base from the last F75 update.   They didn't have to but they did.   Not only that but added the ability to extend the warranty AND make it transferable.  


I know there will be a minority that wont like it.   But I know the majority will like it, and many, like myself, will just plain love it.


Just needs some time to sort itself out.





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Hi Mike,

Our experiences were identical. I really, really liked my F75 SE but when I moved to Reno I tried to use it in my neighborhood, and no go. It just would not work. Even at minimal gain, numbers just flew across the screen. I got bummed out and sold it and have relied on my Gold Bug Pro ever since. However, I miss all the disc options and even the backlight. And strangest of all, even though the Gold Bug Pro weighs less, I miss the feel of the F75. The lighter nose heavy Gold Bug Pro makes my arm more tired than the heavier but perfectly balanced F75. It is proof about the importance of correct ergonomics. Anyway, loved the prototype and was sorry when it needed to go back. I was told a production unit would replace it, but maybe they forgot about me? Oh well, if nothing happens in awhile I will shake that tree. If it ever arrives I may replace Nokta FORS Gold in my signature area with Fisher F75 Ltd2.

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The plot thickens.

I think we have a situation where a few people are making lots of noise. Not saying it is not justified, but looking around the internet the disparity of reports is interesting. On Dankowskis and Findmall a few disgruntled parties. Everywhere else, happy people.

Icing on the cake though is this video just released. I want one of these!

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Well, at one point I was told Fisher was going to send a production F75 my way but nothing ever happened so I am just kind of moving on. I went ahead and got a new but not upgraded F75SE on order and headed my way today. It will be interesting to see how it handles electrical interference here in Reno compared to my previous F75. I have to admit I am losing some faith in First Texas ability to produce machines that have consistent performance across the board. What that means is you just never know what you are going to get until you get it. This one may be the same, or better, or worse. We will see. In theory it will also be eligible for a free upgrade should I choose, but it sure looks like the dust needs to settle in that regard before I would chance it. Presumably a new production F75Ltd2 could show up on my doorstep at some point, and if so I will have this one to use as a baseline for comparison purposes.


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At this point, the confusion seems near total. Folks who have upgraded their F-75’s are either pleased or disappointed dependingon how they compare the results to what they had before. Apparently Fisher has no coherent story to tell at this point. Keith Southern's machine is a depth monster but others report reduced depth especially in all metal.

Remors of further software tweaks and possible re-do of upgrades are circulating.

A Fisher rep was to be on the Relic Roundup podcast this evening, but the audio was screwed up and you couldn't hear a word.

I think you hit the nail on the head Steve when you talked about how only field testing dozens of units in the hands of enthusiastic and experienced users in many different environments can really wring out all the quirks of the complex software in today's digital detectors. I recall my Whites V3 got promptly altered to a V3i to deal with various issues. My iOS 8 software has been through four revisions since release in October. The problem with all the detectors out there is that with the exception of the CTX and the Deus, a software rev means a trip to the factory!

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As I start to hear more reports of good ones, which, by the way were in peoples hands at the same time as the troubled ones I think it's all a tempest in a teacup. Like has been said before, a few with issues gets all the press.

You also have to figure in the equation that many people really don't know how these things work, even if they have been using them for years.

And some folks don't even like you trying to help. If you want to help you're called a stool pidgeon. I've decided to let that group figure it out on their own.

Been trying all weekend to get on Findmall but I guess it's down. I just get DNS error messages.



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As I start to hear more reports of good ones, which, by the way were in peoples hands at the same time as the troubled ones I think it's all a tempest in a teacup. Like has been said before, a few with issues gets all the press.



You are right about that, Mike. And as you say trying to be helpful just gets a brick lobbed at you. You have more patience than I these days for that kind of nonsense.

FYI Findmall has been up and running fine from my end all weekend.

It will all sort out eventually. I have to admit I have been considering alternatives though. Maybe an MXT Pro in my future if the F75 does not treat me well.

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