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Gold Is Not Where You Find It!


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Awesome essay, and great information shared by members too.  Even thought I don't live in a gold rich area "southeastern Virginia", I dream and imagine about some of the fast running streams in my area and know there is gold there.  But never tried, yet.

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  • 1 year later...

Here is a video to support Doc's thread.  It needs to be revived once in a while!


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  • 8 months later...

This might be a wild goose chase, but if I'm right, this might be worthwhile.  But, like most things, it needs to be vetted to determine if it has value....

A few years ago, I was wasting time learning about finding gold.  I ran across this one guy that had been doing it all his life.  Not as a hobby, but as a consultant to some of the largest companies in the world.  Yeah, he was a pro.  But that is not what I found important.  It was his dismissiveness of "how difficult" what he did, really was.  To him, he pointed out that most everything that he knew, and the info that he "sold" as a consultant, was really much more common sense and more paying attention to what others have already learned and freely made available publicly, to anyone that wanted to know.  Then, he proceeded to give numerous examples of specifically where to find minerals of value, most of which had been totally ignored.  The most memorable one was this:  Somewhere along the interstate in ?North Dakota?, going West out of the mountains in ND into the plains (I think I remember), the guys cutting the interstate cut right through some of the richest diamond deposits he had ever seen.  It was just on the side of the interstate.  You could literally stop and pick them up, if you knew what you were looking for.  Except, no one ever did, or didn't do very much or often. 

That story reminds me of being a kid, and taking my painstakingly created masterpieces to a saddle/leather shop, to take them on consignment.  I had gone on my bike, and at 12 years old was quite proud of the work that I had done, (which was quite good).  The store owner asked how long it had taken me.  After hearing that, he asked how many coke bottles I had seen in the ditch, over the 2 miles I had ridden to the store.  Then, he devastated me with this advice: "If you had just picked up those coke bottles, and ridden another mile to the 7-11, you could have sold them and made more in that hour, than you made in a day of creating this wonderful holster and that I had sold it for you already."  I've never forgotten that very often, the "work" that we do, is seldom as profitable in cash as we feel it is.  Just by looking at where the real money is with a cold eye and honest evaluation, we can be much more profitable.

You guys should ID this guy, FIND the site and the books this guy wrote.  Much of it is about gold.  I was very very impressed.  If I lived out west and could have a hobby like yours, I feel it MIGHT be one of the most profitable things I could do, before buying ANY gear first.  Go get those diamonds on the side of the road.  They are too far from Florida to make it worth my time... but.... 

SIDE NOTE --- I happened to be in Skagway, AK at an old cemetery, and walked up the stream a bit.  There was a pocket of VERY heavy and VERY black sand.  I just had to fill my 24 oz cup with it.  I sneaked it past US/CA customs and still have it (in Florida).  Anyone or anyway to pan that out to see if it had any gold?

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Pan it.  Take the black sand and put it in anything really, add some water and separate the black sand from everything else and if you have any gold you will see it.  As you separate it keep the part that doesn't stay in the pan just in case you are too forceful and you lose some of your gold.

Have fun.

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Awesome post Doc.

That is pretty much exactly what I do. But I still like the saying 'Gold is where you find it' as it has encouraged me to think outside of the box and I have found heaps because of it.

What I am always trying to do is keep my detector in the most productive ground for as much time as possible. Research, knowledge and plain old hard work all add up to gold in the poke.


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Quote, "Do we process more dirt?  NOPE!  Our secret is we spend our time processing dirt that is more likely to have gold, than other dirt.".

That statement right there is the secret sauce. 


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