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Nokta Impact Going Crazy

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Hello, All. Dave in Ohio.

I've been fairly pleased with my Impact since purchasing the pro-pack from KellyCo last year. My negative issues this far have been minor: another short person's detector--Could someone please build a detector that extends far enough? Couple of inches of cable and some extra shaft? Not that big a deal, though a taller detector would be nice. 

My issue now, though, is significant: When I've been detecting for an hour or more, my detector suddenly goes nuts. It starts jumping through numbers and making all kinds of noise. Point it at the ground--crazy. Point it at the air--crazy. Power off and on--the same. New batteries--the same. Changing frequencies or adjusting isat--no change. Lower gain, different coil, switching programs--no help. When it starts to happen, I know it's time to go to my backup detector. 

So? Any ideas or similar issues? Any help much appreciated. 

And yes, I also got online and updated.

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Is this at only one location? EMI might seem unlikely but always needs to be eliminated as a possibility these days. Performance issues like this need to happen in locations distant from each other to be sure EMI is not a factor. Other detectors behaving well in the same locations is not proof enough since all detectors handle these things differently.

If you have eliminated EMI as a potential issue then the unit does sound like it has a problem.

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On 5/6/2018 at 6:32 AM, Dave J said:

Hello, All. Dave in Ohio.

I've been fairly pleased with my Impact since purchasing the pro-pack from KellyCo last year. My negative issues this far have been minor: another short person's detector--Could someone please build a detector that extends far enough? Couple of inches of cable and some extra shaft? Not that big a deal, though a taller detector would be nice. 

My issue now, though, is significant: When I've been detecting for an hour or more, my detector suddenly goes nuts. It starts jumping through numbers and making all kinds of noise. Point it at the ground--crazy. Point it at the air--crazy. Power off and on--the same. New batteries--the same. Changing frequencies or adjusting isat--no change. Lower gain, different coil, switching programs--no help. When it starts to happen, I know it's time to go to my backup detector. 

So? Any ideas or similar issues? Any help much appreciated. 

And yes, I also got online and updated.

Hello Dave. I just happened to see this post as I am traveling in Russia for a rally.

If you contact me at dilek@noktadetectors.com, I will be happy to assist you further next week.



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  • 8 months later...
On 1/29/2019 at 7:42 PM, Myles said:

I just found this thread while trying to find out what is wrong with my Nokta and I have the same situation right now. Was there a way to fix this problem?

Not sure what the outcome was on that one, Dave J only ever made 1 post. 

Can you give us a bit more information like coil, settings, location, and what you have tried thus far. 


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Well I am not to sure what to tell you about the coil however it seems that when I turn the detector on it will start jumping around finding "signals" in the air, the ground ect... I have tried going between different modes and the result continues. It first started on my third day in the same field where I am in Belgium, I did not have any problems for the first two days and i cant seem to think of anything to cause the problem between those days. I have tried cleaning the coil and removing it to inspect it but nothing physical stands out. More than that I cannot say, I was hoping this was an easy fix on my end but we will see. 

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When you were experiencing the noise, did you try changing frequency? 

Did you try reducing sensitivity? 

Also make sure your coil cable plug is done up nice and tight. It can wiggle loose after a period of time, and many users may forget about it as it is concealed inside the shaft. 

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  • 2 months later...

I've been having  the same problem suddenly.

I've had it for a few months, it's been working amazingly. Seriously an amazing machine.

However, yesterday this jumpy thing happened to me as well. 

The only thing I can say that I did differently, is that I started using rechargeable batteries for the first time with it, and that I've used 20khz for the first time. 
I was also mostly around dry sea sand, it might have got around the coil and is causing problems?
I'm clueless here.

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Look up in the sky it’s a bird . No it’s Dilek coming to the rescue to help anyone that has trouble with any detector they put out .

 I can assure you that this Lady won’t stop until you’re happy and your detector is fixed. Like myself she just replaced the detector .

 I don’t know why but some of the best service comes from Detector Companies outside the US .



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